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[Clara's pov]

It's late and i'm so tired but I cant sleep because my brain wants too overthink so I thought i'd go to the kitchen and find me a midnight snack. I looked out the window and I could see Oscar was still awake working on his car. Man, did he look good.
"Mija is that you?" My mom walked out of her room rubbing her eyes. I quickly turned around to hide the fact that I was watching our neighbour.
"Yeah, I got hungry." I shakily said. She nodded and grabbed her a glass of water before heading back to her room. I waited for her to go back to her room and when I heard the door shut I put on my shoes and made my way across the road. I guess I needed to talk to him. I didn't know what exactly to say and I froze. I softly cleared my throat to let him know I was there but that just frightened him and he pulled a gun on me.
"Shit Clara." He tucked his gun back in his waistband and picked up a rag to wipe his hands. "You good?" He looked at me with his eyebrows furrowed.
"Uh- yeah." He nodded and turned to close the bonnet of his car. He turned back around and sat back on his car but he didn't say anything. "I heard what happened with Cesar." I got nervous and my hands started to shake so I stuffed them in my pocket. He looked away I didn't know what else to say so we just stood in silence for a bit. "He's your brother, Oscar." He chuckled and looked back at me.
"So you're here to attack me about Cesar too." He stood up off his car and took a step closer to me. "Look I don't need another person telling me i'm a bad person for what happened. You don't get it, you never will."
"I never said you were a bad person." I looked up at him and I could almost feel the rage he was trying to contain.
"Then why are you here?" I could tell he was trying to lower his voice. Probably because of what happened the last time he yelled at me. I'm not running away this time. "If you could help him, you would right?" He let out a heavy breath.
"Is that all?" He looked at me like he was telling me to leave. I nodded and turned to leave. But then I turned back around. I wasn't letting this go. Cesar's a good friend and he doesn't deserve any of this.
"Please help him Oscar..." He looked down at me and started backing away.
"Goodnight... Kindness." Then he went inside. I could feel chills run down my spine hearing him call me 'Kindness'. It felt like there was no intimacy between us anymore. Like I didn't know him anymore.


I decided to hang out with Jamal at the diner for the day. I didn't feel like being at home. Dwayne had given Cesar a job at the diner too so he was there too. Because they were still working I spent most of the day sitting in the corner booth at the back on my phone. They'd bring me food every hour or so but I couldn't really eat because my stomach would turn down anything I ate. I texted Antonio to see if he was doing anything so we could hang out and he texted back:

Yeah i'll be there later mana

[Sad Eyes' pov]

"You okay mana?" I took a seat across form Clara. She texted me to hang which was cool with me cause I wasn't on block patrol till late night.
"I am now!" She gave me a toothy grin. She had a bunch of food in front of her that looked untouched.
"You gonna eat these?" She shook her head and pushed the trays of food towards me.
"So what's up?" I asked before stuffing my mouth.
"We haven't hung out for a while... and i'm bored as heck!" She leaned on the table with her head in her hands.
"Why don't you hang with Spooky?" She shot up and her eyes widened.
"What?" She looked at me shocked but I just laughed. "That's not funny Antonio!" She playfully smacked me and we both just sat there laughing at anything and everything for hours. I'd do whatever to keep her happy. She's my little sister.

"I gotta get home can you drop me home please?" She pouted as she asked. She's so adorable man I swear.
"Yeah yeah c'mon." She laughed and went to say bye to Cesar and her other friend.
Then shit got scary...
She started looking pale and I thought she was gonna puke or something. "Hey, you okay?" She looked up at me and slowly shook her head. She started stumbling and I quickly grabbed her before she could fall. Then she fell unconscious. Fuck! "No no no keep your eyes open mana!"
"DAD! DAD!" I heard her friend call out before Dwayne came rushing out from the back.
"Take her to the hospital!" Dwayne looked at me and I nodded and picked her up. Fear took over my body as I carried her out. "Jamal go with them! Cesar and I will hang back and close up the diner!" He called out and Jamal followed us out. I looked at her lying on the back seat through the rearview mirror. Please be okay hermanita.


We've been in the waiting room for about an hour and her parents came out from her room with tears in their eyes. Her mom came over and hugged me and Jamal.
"Thank you for bringing her." She sniffled but I stood stiff waiting for her to say something else. Just tell me she's okay. "You guys can go and see her if you'd like. She's awake now." I let out a sigh of relief and made my way to her room. Jamal followed close behind.
"You had me scared as shit." I walked over to her and kissed her forehead then ruffled her hair. "Glad you're okay hermanita." She looked up at me with an innocent smile across her face.
"Sorry." She whispered and looked down at her fingers.
"Clar, there is nothing to be sorry about!" Jamal piped up. He gave her a hug and a man in a white coat walked in the room.
"Hello Miss Simerra." He came over and stood at the foot of her bed. "I have your results. Uh- are you two family?" He pointed at me and Jamal and we looked at each other then back at the doctor.
"I'm her brother." We both answered at the same time.
"Blended family?" Jamal shrugged and smiled nervously. Then the doctor looked to Clara for an answer.
"They can stay." She said and the doctor nodded then proceeded to tell her something about her condition getting worse.

[Clara's pov]

After the doctor left I looked at Jamal and Antonio. They both had their heads low and were avoiding eye contact with me.
"You cant tell anyone." I said breaking the silence and Jamal looked up.
"That you're dying?!" He started getting mad which is understandable. It was wrong of me to not tell my bestfriend. I'm a horrible person.
"Why?" Antonio mumbled and looked at me with his arms crossed. He looked mad but not as mad as Jamal.
"Because... I don't want people to worry."
"Well helloOoOo you're dYiNg." Jamal said waving his arms around and Antonio shot him a stern look. "I'm sorry... it's just hard to believe you're actually dying. You look perfectly healthy to me!" He calmed down a bit and the room went quiet.
"If that's what you want... then okay." Antonio put his hand on top of mine and squeezed it. I looked over at Jamal hoping he was on the same page and he let out a small sigh.
"He's right. It's your choice." He smiled up at me. "But you know I suck at keeping secrets." I playfully rolled my eyes and we laughed.
I felt like a weight was lifted off my shoulders. I just hope this doesn't change anything.

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