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[Sad Eyes' pov]

"Hola Señora Simerra." Clara's mom opened the door and I stood there with a wrapped up box in my hand.
"Antonio! Come in mijo. I'll get Clara." She let me in while she went to get Clara.
"Antonio!" I heard Clara scream and she came running towards me. "Is that for me?" She pointed at the box in my hand and I nodded.
"Happy birthday hermanita." I smiled and handed her the box. She opened it up fairly quickly then looked back up at me with wide eyes when she saw what it was. She pulled out a silver cross necklace with a pink heart shaped stone in the middle of it.
"I love it!" She shrieked as she jumped up and down then she asked me to put it on her.
"The stone represents your kind heart." I poked her in the chest and she giggled.
"I'm never taking this off!" She gave me a big hug and ran to show off her new necklace to her parents. Damn it's gonna hurt when you leave.

Later that night ...

"I don't know Antonio. I don't really do parties." She stopped in the middle of the road staring at the Santos house.
"Come on Clara. You're eighteen now. Celebrate like you're eighteen!" I pulled her by the arm and she gave up and followed me to the backyard where the party was. As soon as she saw Mario's little brother she ran off. I mentally rolled my eyes. And she thought she wouldn't know anyone. Then I felt someone shove me.
"Why the fuck would you bring her here fool?!" I turned around to a very pissed off Spooky. I think he's developed a soft spot for her which is rare.
"Chill Spooky, it's her birthday. Let her live a little." ...Soon she won't be able to.
"It's her birthday?" He gazed over at her laughing with her little friend.
"Yeah. The big eighteen." I hit him in the back and left him to ponder that.

[Oscar's pov]

"Hey birthday girl." I said as I stood behind Clara. She turned around and a big smile appeared on her face.
"Hi!" She leaned in to kiss me but I looked away. What a dick move Spooky.
"Not here." I looked around to make sure no one saw. Her smile faded and she looked up at me confused. I didn't wanna tell anyone about us yet because I guess I wasn't ready. It's been a while since i've been with one person. I didn't wanna mess it up by publicising it.
"Oh okay." She whispered before walking away.

[Clara's pov]

I walked back to Ruby who was organizing the snacks table. He gave me a handful of sporks and told me to throw them out. I walked around the yard looking for a trash can but I couldn't find one and I didn't know what I was supposed to do with these stupid sporks. I turned around and caught a glimpse of Oscar. He was leaning on the drinks table with a girl standing a little too close. A little? She was basically sitting on him. But here's the kicker... Oscar wasn't doing anything.
"You okay mana?" I was too busy staring at Oscar that I didn't even notice he was standing there.
"Yeah... i'm good." I gave him the handful of sporks. "Ima go get a drink."
"Thatta girl. Go have fun." He said as he dropped the sporks and made his way back to his ruca. I walked over to the alcohol table without making eye contact with Oscar. If he can act single then I can act like I don't know him.
"Kindness, you looking good." One of the cholos commented.
"Thanks." I gave him a flirtatious smile and Oscar dramatically cleared his throat.

[Oscar's pov]

The party was starting to hype up and I noticed Clara was getting a little carried away with her drinking. She stumbled her way over to the alcohol table to grab her ninth bottle and chugged it. Shit.
I walked over and grabbed the last bottle off the table before she could.
"Hey I was gonna get that." She reached for the bottle but I held it above my head.
"I think you've had enough." She rolled her eyes and grunted at me. "You gotta go home." I put the bottle on the table.
"Oh so you can cheat in peace?" She was definitely drunk and causing a scene. I rolled my eyes and picked her up over my shoulder.
"Put me down!" She started punching me in the back and screaming but I continued to take her inside. We got to my room and some of the homies were in there counting money.
"Get out." They all looked at me annoyed.
"Cant you go fuck this one in another room?" One of them asked making everyone else in the room laugh.
"Nah homes, mi novia needs to rest." Their looks of annoyance turned to shock. They packed up the cash and made their way out eyeing out the girl I had over my shoulder.
"Tu novia?" I heard a familiar voice ask from behind me. I placed Clara on the bed and turned around. "Y'all are together?" Sad Eyes looked at me confused.
"Depends compa. You here to get mad?" He let out a laugh and looked over to Clara who was passed out on the bed. That's really mi novia.
"If she's happy then there's no reason for me to be mad." He held out his hand for me to shake. I slapped his hand and we both laughed. It felt good knowing that my bestfriend and I shared the same goal to protect her.
"We finna roll up on these Prophet$. You guys coming?" One of the guys interrupted. Sad Eyes looked at me for an answer.
"You think you can manage without me?" I looked back at Clara and Sad Eyes understood.
"Got you compa." He slapped my back and left with the other guy. I closed the door behind them and slipped my shoes off. Then I took Clara's shoes off and laid down beside her. I pulled the blanket over us and she unconsciously snuggled up against me. Then I fell asleep.
I'm whipped as fuck.

[Clara's pov]

I woke up to the smell of pancakes in the air. Along with a strong beer scent attached to my clothes. I got up and changed into one of Oscars plain grey T-shirts and made my way to where the sweeter smell was coming from.
"Good Morning." He said from the stove but when I didn't reply he stopped what he was doing. He turned the stove off and turned to look at me. "You still mad about last night?" I stayed quiet. I know he hates it when I give him the silent treatment. He picked me up and put me on the counter. He moved to stand in-between my legs and rested his hands on my thighs. "I'm sorry hermosa." I tried to keep a straight face but he started giving me little kisses all over my face and I couldn't help but laugh. I suck at being mad at people. "Cute necklace." He picked up the cross.
"Thanks. It was my birthday present from Antonio."
"Oh right." He ran to his room and came back with a small box.
"What's this?" He gave me the box and I opened it. Inside was a ring with four diamonds across the front.
"It was my grandmother's. She had this obsession with the number four. She said it meant goodluck. I don't believe in luck... but I believe in you." My heart melted as he took the ring out of the box and slipped it onto my finger.
"Oscar, this is too much I ca-" He kissed me before I could finish.
"Happy birthday hermosa." He held my hands to his mouth and kissed them.
The more time I spent with Oscar the more I realised how much I really don't want to die. I could feel tears forming in my eyes just thinking about leaving him but I quickly blinked them away before Oscar saw.
I believe in you, Oscar Diaz.


I really liked writing this chapter!
I don't think I can say this enough but thank you so much for reading and voting! y'all are amazing, no cap.


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