Another Person To Leave Behind

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[Clara's pov]

"You have fun tonight mija!" My mom yelled as I hopped out the car. I walked into the church where Olivia's quince service was being held and the first thing I saw was Ruby being Ruby. Just looking at him stressed me out. Then I saw Cesar with no hair and everyone around him looking like they'd all seen a ghost.
"Everything good?" I asked and they all turned to Cesar to answer.
"Yeah, totally!" Okay but why am I not tOtALLy convinced?


We were getting ready to go back to Ruby's for the reception when Jasmin approached us looking like she was about to puke all over the place. Ruby got mad and sent her home by herself. I felt bad so I offered to take her. Her house wasn't far from mine so I didn't mind. I wasn't too keen on staying for the party anyway. It just feels wrong being there without Jamal. Jasmin started gagging and puking on the side of the road so I stopped and rubbed her back waiting for her to finish. I hope she's okay.
"You didn't have to come, I coulda called my cousin Leti." She wiped her mouth and turned to me.
"No it's fine. I wasn't feeling too good either." She nodded at me and we started walking again.
"You know you're a really good friend, Kindness." She gave me a small smile. I realised I wasn't really close with her cause she was always obsessing over Ruby and that kinda weirded me out.
"So are you when you're not around Ruby." She laughed it off then stopped abruptly.
"We're friends?" She looked surprised. In all honesty Jasmin is the most loyal out of everyone but it's never reciprocated and the way she's overlooked reminds me of Jamal. I miss Jamal.
"Of course we are, Jasmin." She laughed again and we walked home in a comfortable silence.

After dropping Jasmin off, the sun was only just going down. By now I was walking 5x slower than I was when we left the church. I had to take my heels off but the feel of the cold concrete below my feet felt easing. It felt good being alone. It gave me time to think about everything. My sickness, school, work, Spooky... Spooky. By the time I got home the moon was out and the streetlights were on. I could feel chills run through my body coming closer to my house knowing who lived across from me.

[Oscar's pov]

I was sitting outside, lighting a cigarette when I saw Kindness heading to her house with her heels in her hand. She looked... beautiful.
"Hey." I called out but she carried on walking. "Clara..." She stopped in her tracks and I could tell she was surprised I called her by her name. She slowly turned around and made her way over. I swear I could feel my heart beating way too hard. She stood in front of me and I moved over in my seat so she could sit. She sat down hesitantly and we both sat in silence with our eyes looking everywhere but at each other.
"Shouldn't you be at a quince?" I asked as she fiddled with her dress.
"Quince's aren't really my thing." Then it went quiet again.  
"Yeah me too." I joked and she let out a small laugh. Hearing that was like music to my ears.
"Can I ask you something?" I put out my smoke and leaned back on the sofa.
"Go ahead." She replied. She turned her body so she could face me. Looking at her right now made me realise something... I like her.
"Uh- what are you gonna do after you graduate?" I guess I was curious because she was a senior and I didn't really wanna go for her if she was gonna leave for college soon or some shit.
"I don't think i'm gonna graduate." She looked down again. Good one fool, you brought down the mood again.
"Sorry, I didn't mean to ask that." She shrugged and looked up at me. She really is beautiful. No one has ever made me feel like this before. "I'm sorry for yelling at you." I blurted out. For some reason I started feeling nervous.
"It's fine. I deserved it." No you didn't.
She smiled up at me and I leaned in until our lips were inches apart then I stopped. I don't wanna kiss her if she doesn't want me as much as I want her right now.

[Clara's pov]

He leaned in but stopped inches away from my face. I could feel his breath brush the tip of my nose. My eyes shifted to his mouth and I could feel myself closing the gap between us. His lips were softer than I thought they'd be. He kissed me slow at first but I could feel it deepening. I wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled him closer as I leaned back on the armrest. He had one hand rested on my waist and the other holding himself up. He made me feel warm and alive. Something about him made me forget about everything. Almost like the only thing that mattered was him and I. 
"Can we go inside?" He looked around realising we were still outside. I laughed a little thinking about how we were about to do it in front of the whole street. Not to mention my parents are literally across the road. He nodded and took my hand, leading me to his bedroom. Part of me kept thinking about how I probably wont be alive long enough to live a happy life with this man.  I don't think i've ever wanted anyone as much as I wanted Oscar.

It's gonna hurt me to leave you.


Here we have the end of season one! Lowkey sad but whatever. Thanks for reading this far. Season two finna be posted up rq cause I have too much time on my hands lmao.


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