Good Deeds

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1 month later...

[Oscar's pov]

This Santos business has taken up so much of my time that I haven't really gotten around to seeing Clara. Usually when I sleep with a girl it's just a hit it then quit it typa thing but I feel like that's what she's doing to me. She hasn't called or texted and I've only seen her leave her house like twice... not that I watch her house... okay maybe I do.

I was sitting outside with some of the homies when I saw Ruby. The poor kid that got shot. He's one of Cesar's closest friends, I swear they've been close since nappy days. I called him over to ask if he was okay and he went off at me saying the same shit that I hear everyday. "it's your fault..." I understand his anger though. That's usually what happens in the grieving process. I decided to chill with him for the day to take his mind off everything and I promised Mario that i'd look after his hermanito. Plus the house feels different without Cesar. I'd be lying if I said I didn't miss him.


We got to the store and I feel like all we've done is argue. But the kid's mad so I tried to let it slip. I know what it's like to lose someone and that shit hurts. Ruby went outside to answer his phone while I went to pay for my shit.
"That's twenty-eight dollars sixty." The clerk said as I searched my pockets for my wallet. Shit. Then I saw a hand reach around me, giving the clerk two twenty dollar bills.
"You ain't have to do-" I turned to see who it was and my heart started racing. Like it always does when she's around. "Clara..."
"It's fine, just my good deed for the day." She smiled up at me. She was acting so normal. Like we didn't spend a night together. Like her friends didn't get shot. She picked up my grocery bag and gave it to me so she could pay for her item. "Have a good day Frank!" She said to the clerk before leaving. That's it?
"That girl Kindness doesn't have a single bad bone in her body." The clerk said as he playfully shook his head. I just smiled at his remark and left.
If she's so kind then why did she hit and quit me?

[Clara's pov]

I feel bad about not talking to Oscar after everything that happened but I figured he'd be busy. Jamal told me about what happened to Cesar and I just don't think now's a good time. He's probably forgotten about that night anyways. I'm sure he's got better things to worry about, i'm the least of them.
"Hello?... Earth to Clar..." Jamal snapped his fingers in my face. I guess I was too busy thinking about Oscar to remember he was there.
"What was that?" I asked.
"So I was thinking we should split the cash with the others." He threw a stack of cash to me. "Abuelita cleaned that but we gotta find another way to clean the rest. Her business is running a little slow." He started pacing back and forth trying to think of something. Usually that's when I come in with a great idea but it's been hard to think about things that aren't Oscar.
"I think you should keep this J. You did find it." I attempted to give him back the stack but he rejected it.
"No you keep it. My dad told me you wont be coming back to work so I figured you needed some money for like... girl stuff." I chuckled at his kind gesture. I wish I could just tell him i'm sick but every time I open my mouth nothing comes out and I just freeze.
"Oh I gotta get going, my shift starts in 30minutes and I gotta drop this off at mine." He picked up the duffel bag of cash and threw it over his shoulder.
"I'll come." I jumped up and followed him out. I needed the fresh air.


I stopped at the store on my way home. I guess I got hungry and i'm still unfit so my legs were killing me. I scanned the candy rack and settled with a chocolate bar. I made my way to the counter and I could feel my heart start to pound when I saw who stood there. Oscar. It looked like he was looking for his wallet cause his stuff was still sitting on the counter. Lucky for you I just got paid... kinda. I paid for his stuff before paying for mine. I stood behind him and his scent filled the air around me. I missed being this close to him
"You ain't have to do-" He stopped midsentence when he saw me. Gosh I have missed you.
"It's fine, just my good deed for the day." I gave him one last smile and then I left. I wish I coulda said more but I didn't have it in me.
All I had in me was a voice repeating the words 'You're sick Clara. Don't even think about falling in love.'


Can I just say I really like adding songs to each chapter! Also they're not too random, they actually do have a lil something to do with the characters and/or story. If y'all want me to make a playlist on Spotify with all these songs then let me know X


Good Deed For The Day | Oscar DiazWhere stories live. Discover now