About The Engagement

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Morgianna had never felt so uncomfortable in her life, even the sex talk with her mother had been less awkward then what she was currently facing.

After everyone had surrounded her to make sure she was okay, she had been ushered to a bath and then brought to the sitting room. Surprisingly she found Prince Caspian to be among its occupants, the whole room in tense silence.  Her father was the first to break the tension a small smile on his face as he gave her a hug. "I am glad you are alright, we were so worried for you when Fafnir brought you back and said that you had fallen in the water when he was not looking."

To Fafnirs blatant lie Morgianna could not help but give him a discreet eyebrow raise to which the man only shrugged. "I am sorry for worrying everyone, I will make sure to be more careful in the future." She made sure to lock eyes with Fafnir as he seemed to have been affected the most from her collapse. She owed the man so much that she knew she would never be able to repay. It was strange to think that he had reacted stronger than her parents, but truth be told, since coming to this world the person she had spent the most time around had always been him.

As she sat on the edge of her chair, crossing her legs and trying to not slouch she found that everyone in the room had their eyes glued to her. It made her want to squirm but instead she forced herself to speak. "I know that was a bit of a scare, but may I know why we are all gathered here?" She saw her mother practically bouncing on her seat and knew that whatever it was she would not like it.

"I requested they allow me to stay with you a little longer. We hardly know each other and if we one day were to get engaged I think it best if we interact more." At Caspian's words Morgianna felt her mouth gape open before she could stop it. This thirteen-year-old boy had spoken about getting married as if it were nothing, just a fact of the world, and she guessed for him it was. In her last world people did not really speak of marriage until they were much older and she found it hard for even her, a grown woman to grasp how he was easily able to speak about it.

She wanted to refute his claim, tell him she would never marry him, but she took on look at the hearts in her mother's eyes and couldn't. "Oh isn't he just the sweetest boy, not only did he come to check on you when he found your health was not at the best, but he told us that he did not want to make you uncomfortable around him so he asked if we could all meet together to set your mind at ease. At least until you grow more accustomed to him." Her mother was immediately gushing, and she felt like if this were her old world her mother would be snapping 100 photos and then breaking out the embarrassing photo albums. She had never experienced it herself, but that was the feeling she imagined when she had seen it in movies and read about it in books.

Words were stuck in her throat but still, Morgianna forced a smile on her face. "Yes, that was very nice of him to help me. I believe today is our first meeting though we have been at some similar gatherings in the past." Everyone understood the underlying meaning that he had never spoken to her before even when he had the chance. "If I had known we would be meeting on this trip I would have brought you a gift." She put on a mock sincere look and hoped her mother would not see through her act.

If Caspian was aware of her cold shoulder he didn't voice it choosing to smile at her gently as if he were already a boy in love. 'What a croc' She couldn't help the thought crossing her mind as she looked as his too sweet smile.


They sat in the sitting room for almost an hour passing pleasantries around. Morgianna would occasionally say something but unless she was directly spoke to she mainly just listened. She wanted to ask when Prince Caspian would be leaving but knowing the wrath her mother would unleash later bit her tongue and soldiered on.

"Would you mind going on a walk in the garden with me Morgianna?" Prince Caspian's words cut through the idle chatter like a warm knife in butter. Once again all eyes were on her, some looking in excitement and a few looking in worry.

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