12th Birthday Party Part 2

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Alaric was smiling down at her as if he had just won the lottery and it made Morgianna uncomfortable. Still she played the gracious host and smiled at him as if she too were pleased to find them dancing. "You seem to be quite sought after tonight, I feared I would miss my chance to sweep you off your feet if I did not act fast." He looked off to the side where it seemed a line was forming.

Morgianna followed his line of sight and felt like her soul left her body. Yes, there was a line forming but right there at the front stood the remainder of the princes, their eyes locked onto the dance that she and Alaric were performing as if it were a riveting play. She reluctantly pulled her eyes away to find Alaric studying her expression, searching for a reaction that she refused to give him.

She looked back to him her face a mask of indifference which caused his smile to widen his teeth straight and white, the little points of his canines easily distinguishable. Looking at them she felt her own lengthen as if like calling to like and internally cursed. She had never wanted blood before, so why now? She looked at his neck and felt a hunger forming in her stomach, the smell of the best meal of her life inches from her face if she so wished it. While her face was a mask her eyes showed all her emotions and Alaric was pleased.

 With all the mixing of the races there were some things that were not known by everyone. If a vampire is attracted to another vampire their fangs lengthen. It doesn't have to be love, just one being finding the other to have pleasing qualities, everything else could be built from that.

The song was slowing down and coming to an end. Soon another suitor would make his way up to her and cut her escape route off. She badly wished to yank her hand from Alaric's grasp, but he held firm as if he knew that she would run. Of course, he knew, he had watched for years as she ran at the sight of any of the Princes, he was no exception. He thought at first that it was because they were candidates for her hand,  but when she treated him just the same it piqued his curiosity. He was 15 this year, the oldest of the crown Princes, and was told that soon he would need to get engaged. The problem is that he did not want any of the choices that had been decided. Looking at the wide mismatched eyes in front of him he slowed their pace letting the last few notes play and decided he would have to visit his father soon.

Almost instantaneous the moment his hand had released hers another had taken its place. Alaric gave what looked like a sad smile and nodded to Alistar. They were friends, but would a friendship hold up under the weight that is a love rivalry?

 "Until next time little bunny." She heard his last words whispered under his breath as Alistar pulled her away and into a new song.

They were already twirling around the room, their song fast-paced just like her heart. She had many conversations with the boy before, but it had not been her conversing with him for most of them. In the ones that she had spoken while as Morgianna he had steered all the conversations, the only time she had felt like she had been able to be in full control was when she had acted as Little Red. As he spun her around the moon on his forehead kept catching her attention, but remembering the story he had told her when they were younger she blushed.

As if he could sense where her thoughts had gone he smirked leaning closer to her face. Having nowhere to escape all she could do was stare into his eyes as he continued pulling her along. "Are you thinking about how this moon will look on your forehead? I personally think it will be a spectacular sight, nowhere near as amazing as your eyes, but still spectacular in its own way."

If any more blood could rush to her face she felt she would surely die. Her heart was beating at a ridiculous speed, hammering her ribs as if looking for an escape from its confines.

"You wish, I was just thinking that whatever girl ends up with this mark would have to deal with you." She admitted her comeback was lame, but being lightheaded was causing her brain to not work at full capacity.

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