The Making of an Army

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Morgianna had stayed in that other plane with Death and Tadea for what felt like days. They had spoken about everything under the sun and made a plan of who she should get to join her fight. The list was longer than she had thought it could be, but just because she asks someone doesn't mean they will join. Upon her return she found that not even an hour had passed and she decided to take advantage to begin her plan early.

She would send Fafnir and Faust to speak to the dragons and see if they will join. Then send Alnwick and Myra back to the forest they grew up in to find Zephyr and any other magical beast that will join. She did not want any of her people to be alone but each of the princes would have to go individually to their own kingdoms leaving Felix and Olive the only ones left. "I could take them with me to the guild, but I do not know how Silas and Killian will react. Or maybe I could send them to the Academy. Sir Bartholomew and Sir Silvus are strong..."

"Why are you here talking to yourself? Has that number above your head fried your brain? Just send them to the Academy, they did manage to go there longer than you did." Morgianna wasn't sure if Death was trying to be helpful or insult her but she was hoping it was the former.

Having seen him just minutes earlier she was surprised that he was back. "Did you forget something?" She cocked her head not knowing how much he enjoyed it when she did so.

His hand rose of its own accord and tucked a strand of her black silky hair behind her ear before freezing. They both stared at one another with wide eyes. In all the years they had known each other that was the first time he had touched her. He had never been able to before yet now his hand had tucked her hair so gently. His mouth opened and closed as words failed him. Ultimately he disappeared leaving Morgianna confused about her own feelings.

On the one hand, she was scared because he was able to touch her. That only proved that her Death was approaching, like a crouching tiger ready to pounce on its unsuspecting prey. Behind that fear though was another feeling, one that she didn't dare put a name to. A blush on her cheeks she splashed some water from the washing bowl onto her face before quickly leaving the room.

After she left Death rematerialized where he had been standing before as if he had never left to begin with. He watched her retreating back and then listened to her footsteps until she was with her friends. Looking down at his hand his mind was swirling with emotions. He had hardened himself to feelings, you had to with a job like his yet that light touch to her hair and his fingers barely grazing her soft cheek had destroyed the walls he had so carefully and painstakingly built. He wanted to be near her, touch her again...while her skin was still warm with the life that she breathed into every room without even trying. He could see why she had so many suitors, there was just something that drew people in. Even he, an agent of demise had found her interesting. A warning turned into checkups under the guise of watching her, then just regular check-ups to make sure she was okay. He had seen the timer above her head months before she had and at that moment he felt an emotion he had never felt before, fear. Of course he didn't tell her, she had just reunited with her brother and friends after a fight with Angeline and he just wanted her to be happy a little longer.


Morgianna explained her plan to the group as soon as they all had gathered. She did not want to waste another minute when she was running out of time. She internally cringed at that word, time, it left a bad taste in her mouth just as it had done in her previous life. Time, such a fleeting thing that made everyone she ever cared for seem so fragile. Yet now the time she worried about was her own.

There was a bit of a fuss about everyone leaving her at once, but after much arguing everyone acknowledged that in the group she is the strongest. So if anyone could make it, it would be her. It was decided that the princes would all travel with Olive and Felix until they reached the academy and then would have escorts ready to take them back to their individual castles.

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