8- Books

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We lock our swanky rides and start walking towards the entrance of what looks like a portal to the past.

"Do you have anything specific in mind?" I ask, trying to make conversation as we walk toward the entrance.

"Well it's a bookstore... You don't really have anything in mind before you walk in do you? You just walk in-" he says as he steps in "-and hope to find your next love." he finishes with a flourish, his arms in the air.

I feel my cheeks heat up.
Am I blushing again? Why must this happen to me?! Gahhhhh! Why does my face give away everything?

"My- thou-ghts- exACTLY" I say as I duck under his arms, hurrying into the comfortable mustiness of the store.

"Wait! I thought of something just now..." I hear him continue as he follows me into the pretty well lit but mess of a store.

Wooden shelves line every possible wall, a creaky hardwood floor announcing our arrival to the few people reading there.

"... How about we find each other a book? Something we have read before? And then spend the day reading them in a park or somewhere? I've always wanted to read a day away and have never found the time. How does that sound?"

"That sounds cool! And might I add, my kind of fun... How about we make it more interesting and add some details about why we chose that book? And sign it! I don't know what it is about books, but I've always wanted to write one just so I could write a note in the index page and sign with a flourish, you know?"

"Oh, that will be a nice addition! So I guess we go our separate ways now... When do we meet at the front of the store?" he asks me

"I can get lost for hours you know... Ummmmm what do we do?"

"Gimme your number. I'll call you once I finish. I'll take a couple of hours too anyway. I'll wait if you take longer"

"Okay, cool. Here you go."

I give him my number and hurry my way through the labyrinthian bookstore, planning to cover as much of it as possible.

I gave him my number.
Ahh but it doesn't mean anything...
But wait
He'll call me. So I'll have his number.
His Swedish number you mean. He'll get rid of it once he gets back.
Ahhhh well... That's that I guess

The store has an assortment of new paperbacks and old hardcovers, thin layers of dust covering the latter.

Glancing from book to book, rummaging through the shelves as carefully as I can without damaging the books or causing the shelf to tip over, I keep thinking about what book to give him.
What book would define me in a way?

What book will not weird him out and cause him to judge me?

As confused of a person as I am... All my doubts settle once I spy a beautiful brown hardcover of little women. The first classic book that I read. How the chronicles of the March sisters made me happy and sad and actually made me interested in hunting for more classics.

It had a delicate filigree pattern in gold and had the title in cursive.

"It's perfect" I whispered


I am on my knees with an armful of books when my phone starts buzzing. It's been on silent since college and the buzzing startled me.

I set the books down carefully and pat them lovingly before rummaging in my backpack for my phone.
It's an unknown caller and it takes me a few seconds before realising it's Namjoon and actually picking it up.

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