10- Clumsiness

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I wake up dazed. After getting dressed and almost tripping over my feet two times I make my way downstairs.

Before I felt myself trip on the last step.

"FU-" I scream before I land as a twisted pile at the bottom

"I guess third time's the charm" I curse and try to stand up, before letting out a hiss and sitting back down. My right ankle was definitely not right.

Ahh shit on a trip?

Where everyday was supposed to be seized?!

Aish why am I like this?!
I sit on the floor, contemplating and looking for changes in colour or swelling.
I draw the conclusion that it must be a sprain of some sort. I start looking up the nearest pharmacy when I get a call from Namjoon

Ahh shit I forgot about breakfast

"Hello? Ayanna? I'm at the cafe... Did you oversleep?" he ends with a light chuckle

"Hi Namjoon... Yeah... I don't think I'll be able to make it..."

"Why? What happened? I can wait a while you know. I don't really have anything to do today either, just have to work on some songs."

"Well, I kinda sorta tripped and I think I might've sprained my ankle or something, so I'm trying to not move-"

"WHAT?! You fell? Do you have painkillers? A compression bandage? Anything?" he says, concern in his voice

"Ahh I packed all of that in my first aid kit" I lie through my teeth, not wanting to worry him "Don't worry about it, I'm prepared!" I grin for good measure, hoping he won't notice

"Okay then..." he sounds skeptical "take care... Call me if you need anything... Anything at all, okay??"

"Yeah yeah fii-iine." wincing as I shift my foot to stand

" Mr N? I've got an iced americano for Mr N?" I hear in the background " I got to go okay Ayanna? Call me"

"Goodbye Namjoon!" I say as I cut the call.

The nearest pharmacy is a 10 minute walk. 20 minutes for a person with a damaged leg. I sigh as I steel myself for the walk, putting on my coat and carefully sliding my foot in my sneakers. I step into the cool morning air. The sky is cloudy. I hope and pray it doesn't rain till I'm back inside.

Namjoon's POV

I settle down on the armchair next to the window with my coffee and novel.

As I'm flipping the pages I notice a piece of paper. I take it out, and recognise it to be sketchbook paper. I flip over the folded note and see a sketch of a man, wearing a coat, scarf and mask.

He seems oddly familiar till it hits me.

It's a drawing of me in the park.

I open the note to find the same gold ink

"I don't know what has possessed me to write this and I hope you don't find it pretty soon. But I wanted to thank you... Thank you for what you do... For being who you are... I know it must get hard sometimes with all the constant vigilance and hate but know that the world would be wayyyy different without Kim Namjoon adding his beautiful songs and music for all to hear... Know that you have made many days, become an integral part of peoples lives and saved as many.

It wouldn't be a stretch to say that you've saved mine too.
For that I say
Thank you.
You are amazing! And know that I mean every single word in this letter. Don't you dare doubt your worth.



I'm gonna hold you to that.


"Aish this woman..." I say before my breath hitches.

I take a moment to look out of the window when I see a familiar figure, hobbling to the pharmacy opposite to my apartment.

I wear my glasses to double check.

It's definitely her.

She lied.

I bet she definitely didn't have a compression bandage or painkillers.

"This woman will be the death of me."
I say as I hurry around the apartment to change, constantly peeking at the window to make sure she hasn't left. Before making my way down, I check again, to see that she has seated herself on one of the benches on the sidewalk, carefully removing her shoe. Shaking my head I run as fast as I can.


I sit down on the bench, taking out my bandage and pain killers.

I don't think I'll make it back alive without some support.

I start unrolling the bandage around my ankles when I see a pair of sneakers stand next to me.
I don't look up, trying really hard not to mess up the bandage. I hastily try to finish it when I see the feet not move and start-

"I'm so sorry I'm just about done-" I look up to see Namjoon, looking at me disapprovingly

"How did you- what- "

"Why did you lie?"

"Um- I- ummm- wait. Answer me first, how did you find me?"

"I saw you from my apartment" he says pointing to a large building, which would have had a perfect view of the Pharmacy.

"Ahh... I should've been more careful. I'd be a terrible spy" I chuckle

He seats himself next to me, taking  my foot from my hand, undoing the bandage I had wrapped carelessly

"You do know that if you tie it improperly, it makes it worse?"

"I- I didn't tell you cause I didn't want to bother you." I say, trying to sound as casual as possible,which was really hard to do.

"I told you to call me... Here you go" he says as hands me a pain killer and the water bottle

"Thank you"

"Can you stand?"

"I think so. I mean I walked till here once. It's not that big of a deal."

"I'll walk you back. You need help."

"Nahh you don't have to-"

"I want to."

I didn't know how to respond to that, so I just nod my head.

We walk back to my apartment, me trying really hard to not put my weight on him, him looking at me with his easy smile that I can't really see because of his mask.

I lead him into my apartment
"Well I guess chocolate cake is cancelled" I add, trying to lighten the mood

"You're not moving all day today, doctor's orders. I'm staying and not letting you move a muscle. We have a dinner tomorrow, I can't let go of free food" he says with a mischievous grin

"Ahh you don't have to do that Namjoon. Don't you have work to do? I'll just sit on my couch. I promise. Don't you trust me?"


"Ahahaha... I don't trust me either..." I say with a laugh

"Give me five minutes, I'll go get my laptop and some breakfast for you."

"Wait. Take my keys. Also, the bike is at the side of the building."

"Okay. I'll be right back"

I hear the door softly close.


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