28- Surprises

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"Oh! Ayanna!" Taehyung announces happily before making his way across the room and giving me a hug

"Namjoon! You're not supposed to eat snacks before dinner!-" Jin says as he spots Namjoon with the cups

"Well I actually got it for him-" I start

"Oh Ayanna is being a caring girlfriend! Well then you're excused this ONE time. But please have PROPER meals." He says giving Jungkook a pointed stare, in response to which Jungkook looks at me and winks.

Jimin and Taehyung drag me around the mini spread of food, filling up my plate for me.

I sit between Namjoon and Yoongi.


"Ayanna? Could you mail me some of the samples for the concept art for the upcoming album. I need inspiration for one of the pieces I'm working on and I think surrounding myself with relevant content would make it much easier" Yoongi says

"Oh okay I'll talk to my boss and-"

"No no, not the official content, rather the things you're working on?"

"Ahh but none of that has been approved yet and that's kind of defeating the purpose innit?"

"It'll get approved, I can feel it. Just send a couple of relevant pieces to me

"O- okay"

After dinner, Yoongi, Namjoon and Hoseok were going back to their studios when the rest of them were heading to the dorms

"You should visit one day!" Taehyung says as we're making our way to the exit

"Yah! Don't invite people home when you don't keep it clean! I'll have to clean again!" Jin says as he smacks Tae's head

"What hyung is trying to say is, warn us in advance on case you ever drop by" Jimin says

"Ahh Ayanna! I've got to show you some of the things I've been working on! And some of the things Tae hyung has been working on! Come home soon!" Kookie says as he throws an arm over my shoulder.
I tell them I'll surely visit soon. Probably over the weekend.

We part ways and I make my way to my apartment. I look up the time on my phone. It's 11:00pm. 3rd September. 9 days for Namjoon's birthday.


I enter the apartment contemplating what to get Namjoon.
More like what to make for him cause he literally has everything.

My mind goes back to that conversation in Malmo

"I would love to own something you make"

A smile creeps on my face as I recall him saying that.

I rummage through my collection of blank canvases and set up my easel.

It was time to paint the night away


I had to work on it during odd hours. And it was hard to tell Namjoon to not touch the covered canvas whenever he came over. I finally resorted to hiding the damn thing. Which was hard to do, considering it was a pretty big piece.

I went to the dorms on the weekend. It was a couple of days before his birthday. I just had to add finishing touches. So I was pretty chill with spending a day at the dorms. Namjoon said he'd come for lunch with Yoongi since they were working on something with the other producers.

Jin had instructed me to grab things from the grocery store before coming and I did as I was told. We were going to cook again, with help from Jungkook and Jimin. Taehyung and Hoseok had to record and would be back for lunch too. So it was just the four of us.

The head chef for the day was Jin, I was the sous chef, Jimin was our assistant and Jungkook was incharge of dessert. After about an hour's work we had kimchi fried rice with pork stew, spicy rice cakes and honey glazed potatoes. Brownies and ice cream for dessert. We start setting up the table as Tae and Hobi enter, exclaiming about the fragrances they were smelling.

"Oh hyung! Did you tell her about Namjoon's birthday party yet?" Hobi asks


"Ahh Ayanna! We'll have to do a V-live as is tradition now with the ARMYs but you could pop in after" Jimin says

"And we thought you could pretend that you had to go out of town for something so he wouldn't expect you to come by at all" Taehyung says as he sneaks a spoonful of fried rice which earns him another smack from Jin

"You could get another cake too so we can cut it with you too!" Hobi continues

"That sounds perfect! I'll weave a story as soon as possible!" I say with an evil grin

Taehyung and Hobi quickly change and come back down to set the table as Namjoon and Yoongi enter the house.

Namjoon's POV

The dorm smells of fried rice and brownies and other delicious things as we enter. She makes her way to me and gives me a peck on the cheek, causing me to flush red.

"Ahh seriously Namjoon, you should be used to this by now" Yoongi says as he rolls his eyes and walks to the table.

I wrap an arm around her and make my way to the table too.




"Umm I won't be here.. on September 12th-"

"What?! But-"

"Yeah I know~ But I cant really avoid it. They want me to go to Busan for some shots and it's a two day thing and-"

"I can ask them to postpon-"

"No Namjoon I have to do this. Earning their respect with no favours remember?"

Oh my gosh it hurt me to see him sad like this I don't think I can lie any longer

"Ahh you're going to Busan? Me and Jk can tell you some places to definitely visit" Jimin says as he comes into the living room.

Thank the gods

"I can't really come on those days either, I have work to do plus-" I hear Namjoon say in a small voice

"It's two days hyung! We'll celebrate your birthday with her again after she comes back!" Jungkook chimes in , throwing his arms around Namjoon's neck, leaning down.

"Oh is Ayanna going somewhere?" Jin asks as he's going to the fridge

This man deserves an acting award

"Yeah she said she's going to Busan on hyung's birthday"

"Oh! There's no way to postpone it? Since it's his first birthday together?" He asks with such genuine concern that I forget he's in on the plan

Jimin and Jungkook actually give me a list of places to go to and tell me about what's tasty in Busan. It seems to convince Namjoon for now and he was pretty disappointed which makes me wonder if this is worth it.

"Don't worry about it.. He'll be so much happier later!" Taehyung consoles me later when Namjoon's not around. "He's used to pranks. He'll be a good sport! By the way, what are you getting him? I'm so curious!"

"Yah! You're not supposed to ask that! It's rude!" Jimin punches Taehyung's arm.

"Don't worry about it" I say laughing "you aren't gonna get an answer from me anyway~"

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Coincidences |A Namjoon FF | (completed✓)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat