11- A call

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The sky starts getting dangerously dark. It starts with a light drizzle, which turns into a full blown shower and I hear a quick open and shut of the front door. I lean on the sofa, trying to see if he got soaked. He ruffles his hair before removing his mask and looking up, smiling his dimpled smile.

"Well I got my laptop and some instant ramen from my apartment. Looks like that was a smart thing to do! You don't mind instant ramen for lunch do you?"

"Nope. It sounds perfect in this weather."

"Ahh! Here's your cappuccino. I didn't know if it was a raspberry crown day or chocolate croissant day, so I got both"

He remembered

I smiled as you took it from him

"I think after what I went through, it's a BOTH kind of day."

"I agree" he says as he falls down on one of the chairs, and starts fiddling with his backpack.

"Do you want the wifi password?" I say between sips of the hot drink

"Yes please... I'm gonna have a video call with the guys soon to discuss some things, so I was gonna ask you in a moment."

"Should I go upstairs then? Isn't all this secretive?"

"Nah we just wanted to catch up,sync up on the work we're doing . That's all. It's fine."

I give him the details and wear my headphones again , trying to give him privacy

"What are you listening to?"

"Oh! Umm... To 'So far away' by Yoongi"

"Ahh that's a masterpiece isn't it? Do you want to say hi to the guys?"

Say hi to BTS? Hell yeah.

Calm down you crazy fangirl

"Can I? Is that fine? I mean it's a personal-"

"Exactly. You could chat with them you know?"

"I wouldn't know what to say. Ahh nevermind I don't want to be a bother."

"It isn't a bother-, oh hi Jin hyung!" He looks down at the screen, while waving his spare air pod ,beckoning me.

I scoot forward, trying to not be obvious with me trying to make myself presentable. I had changed out of my jeans into pajamas , and had done up my hair before Namjoon came back but the entirety of BTS? I don't know how I'd ever look presentable.

I stand beside his chair before he pats the arm rest
"You need to rest your leg"

I wear the airpod and look at the screen that is split six ways.

"Ahh guys this is Ayanna" he says, adjusting the screen so that I'm visible too

"Ahh Namjoonah you're supposed to warn us before you show our faces to other people" I hear Jin groan

"H- h- hi!"

"Hello!" come six voices
All of them crystal clear on the screen. Ruffled hair, glasses on Taehyung and Yoongi, Jungkook in black, Hoseok looking like he woke up from a nap, the obvious ramen cup in front of Jin, Jimin looking all done up and ready to go out. That must be some magical wifi.

"Yah! Namjoon hyung, she's pretty" I hear Jimin whisper, a smile on his face


"She can hear you, you know" he said tapping his single airpod

"Hyung you're supposed to tell us all this before starting!... But, nevermind... it's good that she heard it! Ms Ayanna, you're pretty!" He says giving me his wide smile

Taehyung , Jungkook and Hoseok chime in with agreements

I try to look as nonchalant as possible, but fail miserably and smile my widest smile before saying "Thank you!"

They all smile and laugh, noticing me losing my mini battle with myself.

Just how red was my face right now?

Nobody calls me pretty. Half the time, people are scared to approach me. They commend my intellect and skills. Never my appearance.
And it's nice that way.
Nothing to complicate things.
Just business.

"I'll leave yall to catch up then, byeee!" I say, waving to them
"Byee!!" They reply, waving with equal enthusiasm

I hand Namjoon his airpod with a grateful smile and hobble back to the sofa.

Namjoon's POV

I see her scoot back, putting her headphones on and getting ready to draw again.

"If you want to stare at her, cut the call, I'd rather be sleeping and you know it. It's time for my cat nap as is." Yoongi says , looking over his glasses

"Ahh hyung let him look! It's so cute!" adds Jimin

"She's beautiful hyung! How did you even manage to talk to her I don't understand" says Taehyung says with a sly smile

"And get into her apartment" Jin says, wiggling his eyebrows

"Aish! SEriously we got other things to talk about, let's get back to topic please" Hoseok says, mildly annoyed cause he  got up for this.

We discuss plans for the next songs we were gonna produce, setting mini deadlines for our reference. Since it was our break we didn't really have to stick to them, but we did anyway.

After about half an hour we decide we're done. We say our goodbyes and I close my laptop.

I look over to her and she's passed out, her pencil hanging loosely from her fingers.

I take the pencil from her hand, set her sketchbook aside, glancing at the song playing on her phone. It's 'Seoul'. I smile as I drape my coat over her before resuming to work on a project.


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