39- Confrontation

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A month passed in a flurry of activity and it was December. December fourth to be precise.

We had driven Jin out of the dorm.

Well not exactly drove him out since we asked Namjoon to make him record something and keep him away from the dorms. So it was me and five other men, furiously cooking for Jin.

After all those days of him cooking for us, I had been planning this for a while. And considering Namjoon is pretty useless in the kitchen even though I've started teaching him things, it was the only natural thing to do.

We set about making a grand meal, Yoongi and I being incharge, instructing everyone around us, Jungkook furiously chopping, Hobi stirring various pots and slapping Taehyung's hands whenever he went to close to the chocolate cake and frosting I had made.

We were soon at our wits end though, Yoongi and I, and we decided for the sake of our sanity that it would be better if we worked alone. So, we sent the guys out to decorate instead.

We worked in silence, like a well oiled machine, finishing the cooking pretty quickly.

"We make a good team!" He says as he flashes me a gummy smile, raising his hand for a high five

"Yes. Yes we do!" I say while grinning.

We collapse on the couch while Jungkook, Hoseok and Jimin set the table under Taehyung's watchful eyes. 

It's comfortable. The silence between us. Even though there's a ruckus in the background.

"You're pretty amazing, you know that right?" Yoongi says with a smile, breaking the silence

What what what

How do I react to this

I feel my cheeks heat up as I stutter out a thank you which makes him laugh

"Yah! Why are you nervous? I'm just stating facts. You can do basically everything and you're competent at your job. Beyond competent in fact. That stage was beautiful."

"Thank you Yoongi- I- umm... Where is this coming from---Wait did I say that out loud- oh my god" I give up and drop my head in my hands, which makes him laugh even harder

"Ahh I just felt like letting you know. I haven't told you this before so I just thought I might as well let you know, lest it remains unsaid" he says with a smile

"Well... If it's that, I um thank you. Thank you for that... And I would like to tell you something too-"

He leans forward on his seat

"Um- thank you. Thank you for what you do and who you are. You're pretty fricking amazing, and I hope you know that and remember that every single day"

It's his turn to get flustered as he smiles and says a "what are you even talking about I'm nothing special-" as he waves his hand and sits back in his chair

"Oh Min Yoongi, I bet at least a couple million  people would say otherwise" I say with a smile on my face.

"Oh what is going on here???" Hobi says as he comes and sits next to me

"Nothing much... Are y'all done with the setting up??"

"Taehyung said my job was done so I'm here. Oh! Namjoon messaged me and told me they're on their way back-" he says as he gets up and announces this to Tae in the dining room.

Yoongi gets up and brings us cans of cola, Hobi yelling after him about spoiling his appetite before dinner.

"I know I was your bias, you know?"

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