13- Dinner

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This is just turning into a giant fluff. I LOVE IT 😂😂.

I hope you do too!(◍•ᴗ•◍)❤💜

Namjoon's POV

Looking at her dance in the rain with a sprained ankle, carefree and glowing, unlike her usual cautious self, that thought comes into mind again

I think I'm falling in love...
Do I let go?
Do I let myself fall?

I dance too. Both of us swaying to the music as best we can, living in the moment and loving every bit of it. The rain starts to subside after three more songs and we decide to head back inside.
I help her up the stairs into her bedroom.

"There's a spare bed and bath across the hall... I have an oversized hoodie and-"

"Ahh you don't have to worry about the clothes. Lucky for you, I'm all about that idol life and I have a spare set in my backpack almost all the time."

She smiles a relieved smile and we just stay there for a while, staring at each other, she sitting on her bed, me standing in front of her before I snap out of it and say

"I'll leave you to it then... Across the hall you said?"

"Yup, right there."


I sit there for a while, smiling, before a cold breeze makes me shiver.
"I don't really need a cold right now" I say before making my way to the bathroom.

I take a nice long shower. Tying my hair in a towel burrito, wearing my blue and white striped pajamas I head down carefully. My leg seems better, so its definitely not something serious but I'll have to take care for a couple of days.

I find Namjoon on the couch, scrolling on his phone in sweatpants and a sweatshirt. His hair still wet from the shower, slicked back.

He looks up from his phone, smiles  and scoots on the sofa as I come closer. Not wanting to walk any more I flop down next to him.

Yes obviously that's the reason why I sat on the sofa. Next to Kim freaking Namjoon .

Its 7:30 in the evening. And the dancing has made me kind of hungry too.

"Dinner's on me" I declare


I roll my eyes at his enthusiasm as I ask

"What are you feeling?"


"Pizza it is"

I order a barbecue chicken pizza and some garlic bread. As I set my phone down, he sets his down, and take out a bottle of wine from his bag.

"Man did you come prepared."

He winks and gets up to get two glasses as I look for something to watch on the TV.

"What do you want to watch?"

"Well I picked dinner, you pick entertainment."

I scroll through the channels, trying to find something , anything, but it's just my luck I guess.

"I can't find anything" I sigh. "I guess your entertainment today, is me."

Well that sounds wrong

I put in my Spotify playlist in the background on low, as he comes and hands me a glas of wine.

"Well THAT sounds delightful!" He says as he sits down,flashing me a dimpled smile.

Coincidences |A Namjoon FF | (completed✓)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora