17- Stars in her eyes

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Namjoon's POV

She radiates confidence and poise as she presents.

The wifi was pretty bad in her bedroom so she had to set everything up in the living room.

"You could work in the other room if all this is a bother! I'm so sorry.."

"Nah nah this is fine!" I say, reassuring her

Its hard to pay attention to my work. It's amazing how she's doing this.
I think I saw it coming, with all her brilliance.
But it doesn't make it any less fascinating.


I plop down on the couch once I'm done.

"FINALLY!" I say

"Well, you did great! Nice work!"

"Thanks!" I look at my watch and it's around 1:00pm.

"Let's go for lunch. I'm starving and I am sure you are too. My treat since this went well and since you got me breakfast!"

He laughs as we both grab our coats and head out.

Namjoon's POV

"Do you know how to drive?"

She blinks at me, the question being random and out of the blue, she takes a few seconds before answering in affirmative.

"Why though?"

"Do you want to see the stars? The skies out here are pretty clear and I was thinking about how it would be nice to get out of the city and see the sky."

She thinks about it for a few seconds before answering

"Makes sense. When do we do this? Today?"

Well that was fast. She doesn't suspect anything.
Well I guess today's the day. Namjoon you can do this! Come on...

"Okay! We don't have anything to do today anyway. I'll look for a car rental"

"How about we carry some dinner too No wine.We don't need that again so I'd rather you don't get any, Namjoon. And I need to drive us back-"

"Oh a picnic? Nice!"

She laughs "Yes, a picnic!"


We decide on a pickup truck since we could sit in the back and eat too. We pick up some takeout and leave as the sun sets. She chose the music

"The driver always gets to pick the music." She declares

And I didn't mind. Her selection was pretty similar to mine. I found a lot of new songs.

Finding new music is always such a nice feeling.

We drive in silence, with occasional karaoke singing. It slowly became darker as night fell. We pick a spot and sit out on the back, the music still playing. She removes a couple of candles with a flourish
"Ta da! I picked these up at the convinience store! Vanilla is the superior scent when it comes to candles" she ends with a grin.

We set up the food and eat as we pour out Sprite.

As it got darker, it got colder too. But we couldn't really see the sky, since it was kind of cloudy. The candles start getting dimmer. She blows them out and gets up, grabbing a blanket from the truck as I sit there.

"Don't tell me you didn't bring one? Here? Seriously?" she asked as she raised an eyebrow

"Aha~ about that-" I say, ruffling my hair.

"I thought so-... so I got another one, she says, tossing me another fuzzy blanket.
I grab it and take out the flask with the hot chocolate.

"Is that what I think it is?" She says as she sits back down, switching on the flashlights of our phones

"If you thought this was hot chocolate, you'd be absolutely right!" I say as I pour out two cups and hand one to her.

"Aish I forgot a bare back of a pickup truck gets hella cold" she hisses in frustration as a gust of wind blows a but of her blanket up.

Without thinking I pull her closer.She stiffens for a second, before relaxing again. She looks up and gasps. The clouds that were covering the skies were beginning to clear out. I look up too and it takes my breath away.

So many stars. I'd never seen so many.
It was everything you'd expect and more. Entire galaxies. I couldn't help smiling.

I looked at her. The stars were in her eyes as she had an awestruck smile, her mouth half open.
She looked at me and grinned. I smiled back.


Oh my god it was so beautiful. Like something from my dreams had exploded in the sky. How could any of this be real?

I just stare at the sky, not being able to think. My mind blank, thinking about all the history and beauty that nature held.

I look at Namjoon, finding him looking at me too. I grin, he smiles back. I stare at him

Oh my god he is so beautiful

The dim light from our phones and the millions of stars in the sky lit his face with such grace that I couldn't take my eyes off of him.

It hit me then

Ahh shit

I'm in love with Kim Namjoon

This isn't gonna end well

We end up staring at each other instead of the stars for a long time. He looked like he wanted to say something, but he never does.


I smile and I look back up at the sky, giving a sigh of contentment, his arms wrapped around my shoulders, keeping me warm.

Of course I ended up falling in love with Kim Namjoon. But that doesn't mean anything. Anyone would fall in love with the beautiful man who is Namjoon.

I can't really even hope can I...

Namjoon's POV

On the way back, all I can think of is
How I couldn't do it..
I couldn't get the words out...

Oh my god why am I like this.

She hums along with the music as we drive back

"Well we won't get to see that for a long time now... That was a great idea Namjoon!"

I chuckle as I thank her.

Such a sad little sound

It was supposed to be a simple sentence

The drive back would've been so different.
A good different? Maybe a bad different...
I guess I'll never know... I need to come up with something else. I can't let this go
I can't

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