45- Back Home

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I spend my days doing my work on the next concepts and watching fan cams of the guys performing around the world.

They were a formidable force to be reckoned with when it came to their performances.

My days sometimes ended and sometimes began with a video call or a call from Namjoon. Jimin would pop in sometimes or Namjoon would set it on the table and everyone would say hi and I'd gush over them as they would blush and brush off all the compliments.

"I miss you~"

"I miss you too my love~"

was all we said sometimes

So when it was finally the day they were coming back, I couldn't sit still.
My colleagues were low-key amused at me tapping my foot almost the entire day.

I'm surprised they weren't annoyed with me not paying attention

"Oh no no.. this is a rarity when it comes to you, so it is rather entertaining" said Soo Hyun, who sits next to me.

I ask my boss to let me leave a little bit early and he complies with a knowing smile.

I make my way to the dorms, grocery bags in tow.
Once inside I set about making them a small feast of sorts. Nothing too fancy. Just home-cooked food. I order fried chicken to go along with it. As I'm setting the table, the door opens and I hear them chatter

"Is that food?? Oh manager-nim how did you manage to get all this ready?" I hear Jin say

"I smell kimchi stew and fried chicken and-" I hear Namjoon sing as he enters the dorm, abruptly stopping as his eyes fall on me

"I told you I had nothing to do with this" manager-nim says as he looks at me with a smile

Namjoon's POV

I walk into the living room and I see her setting the table, her hair up in a high ponytail with a hairband, stray strands falling on her face. She sets down a pot and looks at me with a grin.

I drop my backpack and run to her, lifting her up in a circle while she laughs, yelling at me to put we down.

"Ayanna!!" I say before I bring her down and kiss her,her arms around my neck as I lean into her

"What was that about?!" She says as she tries to hold back her laughter

"That is how I greet my girlfriend after being away for MONTHS" I say as I look at all the food on the table

"Did you make all of this?!" Jimin says as he sits down

"Nah... I didn't make the chicken-"

"🎶Ahh Korean home cooked food! I've been waiting for you🎶" Hobi sings as he begins to serve himself.

Everyone forgets all the exhaustion and seats themselves down, all chatter dying down as they eat.

They all thank her as they help clean everything up, grateful smiles on their faces as they make their way to their rooms. I pull her away from all the cleaning take her to my room.

"I have so much to tell you!"

"We literally spoke yesterday!" She says with an airy laugh

"Ahh pish posh! We need to talk in person for some of these things... But first, I'm gonna change into something more comfortable!"


He takes a shower and falls on the bed, and we lie down, him recounting the weird and amusing things that happened over the course of the tour

"How did you even manage to finish making a whole glass decanter for Hoseok? He is so excited to use it he wouldn't stop talking about it once he remembered! Glass blowing?! Seriously?! What an you not do?"

"Well I didn't completely make it... It was part of a workshop- but we aren't talking about me here! YOU. We're talking about YOU and the tour!" I say as I punch his chest playfully

We talk for a couple of hours before he finally gives up trying to stay awake, and snuggles next to me, breathing out a contended sigh.

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Coincidences |A Namjoon FF | (completed✓)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon