30- Dress

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It was a couple of weeks after his birthday.
The comeback had been announced and we were all crazy busy. But he took the weekend off and we were going to Ilsan. He said he wanted his family to meet me.

I couldn't really say no.

"Oh my mum's so excited to meet you!" he says, holding my hand

"Next time, I'll drive us there!" I say with a grin

"That sounds like fun!" he agrees before adding "maybe I'll learn by then!"


"Yup I'm taking classes. I am determined to get my licence!"

"We can take long drives then!"

"YES!" He says, grinning


"Aish stop fiddling!" he says as he opens the gate.

"Yah! I get to fiddle with my dress okay!? YOU know I'm not used to them!"

"Maybe you should wear dresses more often then?~" he leaned down and whispered in my ear, causing my cheeks to heat up

Jimin had forced me to wear a sundress when he heard me planning to wear my black turtleneck and dark wash jeans to meet Namjoon's family.

Flashback to a couple of days back

I'm never talking about clothes around him.
It always ended with him either barging into my apartment, rummaging through my cupboard or him dragging my ass to shops. Namjoon enjoyed all this thoroughly.

"It's Jimin's thing. He makes you look more beautiful than you already are" he says with a sheepish smile

We're in my apartment, Jimin insisted on checking out my wardrobe and Namjoon tagged along

"Hyung, it's like she doesn't know what she is capable of" he says in exasperation

"Oh I do know what I'm capable of Mr Park Jimin. I like to not use my powers unnecessarily"

"Show us then! I challenge you to make me gasp" Jimin says, raising an eyebrow.

And that led to me having to prove that I do indeed have fashion sense by putting together a bunch of outfits and a mini fashion show, both of them comfortable on the couch with a glass of sprite each,(I refused to keep wine in my apartment at this point) , Jimin asking me to twirl at some points.

Sigh. How had my life reached here

Namjoon hadn't touched his glass all night cause the entire time he was gasping like a fish.

That was immensely entertaining if I must say so myself.

Jimin however refused to gasp till I brought out my marsala evening dress with a leg slit, paired with golden heels and sideswept hair.

"Oh my gosh! Ayanna?! You've been hiding THIS from us?" Jimin says,almost screaming

"Oh my gosh! Ayanna?! You've been hiding THIS from us?" Jimin says,almost screaming

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A/n. This isn't Ayanna. This is just a reference for the dress

"Aha! Mission accomplished!" I say as I point at him

I look over at Namjoon and he's just blank

"Oh come on Namjoon I don't look THAT different"

Namjoon's POV

Everytime she stepped out in her outfits I forgot how to breathe.

She knew how to put together outfits that flattered her like THAT. And yet she chose to wear baggy hoodies and shirts with jeans.

Thank the gods.

I don't think I would've been able to think straight. It was pretty hard to do that when I am around her anyway.

When she stepped out in that dress though

Sense and thoughts.



She looked so beautiful.

"I think hyung needs time to process this... I'm gonna leave now okay?" Jimin says as he sets the glass down

"Wait what-" she starts

"Yes. Yes that sounds good" I say in a daze as Jimin smirks and closes the apartment door.

I slowly get up and hold her, a hand on the small of her back, leaning in towards her ear. I could hear her breath quickening

"Remember when I said I'd make you pay~" 


He said, while trailing kisses down my jawline, making my breath hitch

Well shit
Ahh well
Here goes nothing

Namjoon's POV

She gave me a kiss that I had to lean into, sloppy but in sync, breaking it only to say while gasping

"Make me~"

And that's when we threw reason and logic out the window.
If you're wondering what happened next
It's exactly what you think it is
*Ahem ahem wink wink*
*Wiggles eyebrows*
Also the title-
*subtle Taylor Swift reference*
(Listen to the song 'Dress' 😂)

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