Just Like That

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                  After a couple of weeks the kids brought to our attention that Chuchillo was just going to kill Lil' Ricky and then us after.
              "Then we kill her first," Oscar said.
         "How? I'm not trying to be rude you guys, but, baby, you're the only killer here. I mean if I had to do it, I could, but you're the only one here who has killed before," I said.
             Oscar nodded and called her to set up a meeting with the 19 streeters, "I want you all to go somewhere public, lots of cameras. Be on your phones. I'll call Cesar or Harley when it's done," he said. Oscar kissed me, hugged Cesar, then left.
           I worked that night and Cesar stayed with me at the station while we waited for a call. We hid out at Ruby's place for 3 days when we didn't hear anything. Cesar and I started to freak out, "He's dead, and nobody's looking for him," Cesar said.
              We got our stuff and left. Walking to the spot the Santos hung out when they weren't at our place, "anyone seen Spooky the last 3 days?" Cesar asked.
               Mickey, the only Santo I don't like and doesn't like me, piped up, "Probably took off to get away from his bitch."
           "You should show respect for Spooky's woman. You know that. Now why isn't anyone out looking? You all claim to be his ride or die!" Cesar said getting in Mickey's face.
             Mickey jumped up and got in Cesar's face. I shoved between the 2, but Mickey still went to swing. Leo and several of the other guys pulled him back, "we hear you Lil Spooky and Spooky's babe. Start looking!" Leo yelled.
              Cesar thanked him and we went to the hotel, "here, this one won't jam," Leo said handing Cesar a revolver. I already had a 9mm that Oscar stashed at the house for me.
           Someone pounded on the door and we all pulled our guns out, "Cesar, Harley, it's us!" Ruby yelled.
              We opened the door and Leo split, "we have a plan, but maybe Ruby should explain," Jamel said leaving the room to probably vomit. Ruby told us and also left.
          "I'll go check on them," I said and left the room to give Cesar and Monse some time alone.
           They joined us a little bit later. Ruby was about to make the call when a white charger pulled up, "little Spooky," the passenger said and handed Cesar a piece of paper and another object, "you'll find what you're looking for there," then they left.
          I saw the object and gasped, "Oscar's phone," I said.
          "It's an address," Cesar said.
          We walked back to the house and used Oscar's car to go. The address led us to the woods, "find the trail and go in deep," Cesar said.
          "why deep?" Ruby asked.
           "They wouldn't bury a grave this close to the highway," I answered and Cesar nodded in agreement.
             Monse found the trail and we started to follow it. Cesar started to get more nervous and agitated the deeper we got. Jamel was being annoying and Cesar snapped, then everyone started yelling at each other, "shut the fuck up! I'm probably getting ready to find out that I have to raise this baby on my own, so if anyone should be freaking the fuck out and snapping on people it isn't the 3 of you, it's me, now can we please get this over with so I know if I need to be planning a funeral before a nursery!" I yelled.
          Everyone just looked at me. Cesar was shocked, Ruby's mouth was hung open, Jamel was starting to squeak pointing at my stomach, and Monse was speechless with her hand over her mouth. I pushed past them all and walked in deeper  with them hot on my trail.
           When we got to an area with a huge hole we started to hear whistling, "everyone get back, especially you, Harley," Cesar said.
        I pulled my gun ready to fire at any given moment, when Cesar about fell in the hole. He looked in it and lowered his gun. The 19 streeters came out. One burned the hole, "it's been handled," the leader said.
        "Where is he?" I yelled.
              "He'll find you," he answered me.
          We immediately went back to Freeridge. I dropped everyone at their own homes and Cesar and I went to ours. Soon after we got home Oscar came limping in all patched up. I instantly jumped up and ran to him, wrapping myself around him. Cesar hugged him too.
          A couple days later Oscar made a truce with the 19 streeters, "it won't last," Cesar said after they left.
          "I'm done. I'm out. I want to get married, have a few kids. Die old," Oscar said.
          "Well, get ready now, because in 6 months you're gonna be a dad," I smiled. Oscar got all excited and hugged me while kissing me a million times over.


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