Jai'yanna Martin

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At 44 minutes to four
An angel walked up to my door
Opened the windows to my soul
Told me he thinks that I should know
There's no slowing down
As the globe spins 'round and 'round


Chapter 12: Jai'yanna Martin🥷🏽
September 2nd

You gotta keep going, gotta keep going
Gotta keep going, you gotta keep going

Jai'yanna's Pov:

I've had my headphones in the entire flight. I read over some more files sent over from the 'Nordvac Family', apparently they will be the family my mafia will be tying its name too grant us immunity of the government.

Nordvac is a predominantly a Russian family but, they reached out too us a couple years ago while Tommy was in charge. He declined their invitation being the dick he is but, I'm going to change that.

Mr.Wallace had just woken up from his nap. He walked in fixing his tie and making his famous all black coffee." I hope you got some rest before the flight."

"Who needs rest in a family like this?" I chuckled. Placing the file on the coffee table in-front of me.

"How are you feeling?" Mr. Wallace took the seat in front of me. "I know there's been a lot going on in-your personal world but how about your mental one?"

"Hmm." I sighed. "I haven't really had time to sulk in anything. I'm just always living in the moment and then back in the fast lane."

"The plane will be landing in 20 minutes!" The pilot announced on the over head. "So prepare for turbulence."

I strapped my seat belt in.

"I use to have a fear of planes. I hate the way they can sway with so much force." I looked out the windows at the clouds. "My therapist told me to just imagine I was a bird. I couldn't help but think I'd be a raven or a crow."

"Why a raven?" Mr.Wallace sip at his coffee.

"When you think of a black bird you think of death itself. Most natives believe that ravens are prophets or gatekeepers of the other side." I couldn't help but smile. "I guess they are foreseeing because pretty soon I will be the gatekeeper to the other side."

"Not to rain on our little discussion but, have you talked to your security guard. I thought we all agreed to be on this plane at one time." Mr. Wallace crossed his legs; so sassy.

"He notified me that he would be meeting us there. I like flying in my own luxury so you know that was of no argument." I picked back up the files looking over this special family.

—20 Minutes Later—

We had landed and Aria well she was a little jet lag. You could say pregnancy and private planes don't go together well. "How's the baby?" I asked, helping her down the plane.

"He's always up and moving. I never knew something inside me could be so active."She giggled. Mr. Wallace was already out side the plane helping the pilot with our things.

"So this is where we part ways." Aria sighed. I looked over at the taxi I had ordered in Cali and I couldn't believe I was shipping her off. What choice did they leaves me with though...

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 13 ⏰

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