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I felt a weird sense of panic, as I sat in the backseat of the car. I still clearly remembered my last day here, 3 years ago. Because of Dad's job we had moved to Gulf and didn't get a chance to return, until this year.

'Do I really want to see him again?' I thought with a sigh, resting my head against the window pane. I knew he would be there. He was supposed to be here every summer break.

Despite all of my brooding, even before I could properly greet everyone, I had went out to look for him. I didn't want to, but when I couldn't seen him in the midst of everyone else, I sneaked out to the one place I hoped to find him.

But as I stood there, clutching at my knees in attempts to catch my breath, I knew that the pangs in my chest were of disappointment.

'What did I run here for? So stupid!' I felt a rush of embarrassment at my own simplicity and just when I had turned to leave, I saw him standing there.

And I forgot to breathe.

He had changed. I thought he was beautiful before, but I didn't think it was possible to get even more. He was the most beautiful man, I had ever laid eyes on.

For a moment, he only stood there watching me with hands stuffed in his hoodie's pocket. Until, he started to close the few yards separating us. Never once, did his eyes leave mine.

And just when he had reached my side, I opened my mouth in anticipation—only for him to walk past me, as if I wasn't even there.

No—he had done it for me to see that my being there or not was all the same to him and his message was duely conveyed.


For the millionth time, I turned and tossed in my bed. For some reason, sleep seemed to have vanished from my eyes. The reception party had ended hours ago. It really was absolutely perfect in every regard.

I thought I would feel nervous meeting his friends and relatives but I had never been more at ease. They were all, such nice and welcoming people. The whole event, I was led by Yasmeen from one person to another. I had so much fun with Granny & Grampa and others. It wasn't awkward in the least.

Except—with him.

Ahh!! Just the thought of it makes me want to punch myself in the face. Why the hell was I so conscious of him! Even if my eyes met his across the ballroom accidentally, I would turn away as if someone had pressed my face against a furnace. I was so freaking obvious!

Especially during the time of cake cutting! I had actually flinched and tried to not be in close proximity with him. And I had almost died, when he held me close to his chest for the photographs. Of course everyone else noticed it too, but they thought it was so cute, that I was being so shy and embarrassed.

'Ughh! I think I am turning into a pervert. I keep having these disgusting thoughts, as if I have never come in contact with male species before—which is in a way true—but—Rayyan must've noticed it too, right? He must've! And now he must be creeped out!'

'You almost ravished him in sleep, too.' My conscience reared it's head, looking down at me with disdain.

With another groan, I slammed the pillow to my face and pulled it away when my hand wandered to the beautiful necklace adorned in my neck. I didn't want to admit it to myself but I loved it more than anything else in my possession. Even more than the vintage diamond ring for my wedding which was given to my late mother-in-law by Granny, at the time of her engagement.

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