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2 Months later

"Don't leave me. Please?" I heard his plea with my cheek pressed against his chest. My hands clutched the back of his shirt while he rested his chin atop my head; holding me tightly in his embrace for the past 5 minutes. By now, I had stopped caring about the people passing by and giving us looks.

Sighing, for the nth time, I finally managed to pull away from him.

"Well, you should have thought about that before promising Haniya that you will let me go before you—" I rolled my eyes at him playfully and adjusted the bag on my shoulder.

"She tricked me into it! I didn't even realise it—Zai—! It's okay, I'll apologise to her later, when we go together—How will I survive 2 weeks apart from you?" He cried once again, taking my hands in his warm grasp. I opened my mouth to say something but he beat me to it.

"Right! I'll tell her you were scared to go alone—" He began excitedly but I cut him off with a cocked brow.

"I am not scared—" I remarked plainly and turned to grab my luggage which he took instead.

"Right—then I'll say I was scared to let you go on your own—" He suggested helpfully but my groan shut him up.

"Rayyan—My flight is here. Also, it's not that much of a big deal. You are going to come after 2 weeks afterall—" My voice trailed off when I caught the look of sadness in his eyes, but he shrunk from my gaze.

"I know you won't even miss me. Maybe you'll even be glad that I am out of your hair..." His voice was low when he slowly met my gaze with a pout. My mouth opened in protest but words failed me. He saved me the embarrassment and let go of my hands only to cup my face and brush a soft kiss to my lips.

"I'll miss you tons—and will count down the minutes until I see you again." His hazel green eyes bore into mine as he said this, as if capturing every detail of my face and imprinting it onto his mind.


"So, I heard you've cleared your PLAB? Are you going to start working now?" Harris Bhai inquired while watching me through the rearview mirror. His eyes flickered back to the road as I began.

"Yeah. Got job at the NHS. Will start from next month—" I said with a small smile before Haniya cut us off.

"Who cares about that—-I am just so glad that I managed to convince RB to send you here—! I mean, I was about to have a mental breakdown Zaira—! There's so much work to do and so little time—! Bhai never helps me with anything—if only RB was here, I wouldn't—!" She cried out with a roll of eyes and earned a pulling of hair from Harris bhai. I chuckled at that and watched Haniya smack his arm in return while sticking her tongue out. RB was short for Rayyan Bhai, which Haniya called Rayyan.

"Anyways—Do you know how hard it was tricking him, Zaira?! I mean, until you had boarded, he kept sending me all these sad messages and I almost felt sorry for him—LOL! Whatever you've done to RB—I am so proud of you! Who knew my coldhearted brother could act so warm and loving!" She kept laughing in between which made it almost impossible for her to finish what she wanted to say. Before she could complete telling about one thing, some other chapter would open. I've always known how much Haniya cared for Rayyan and viceversa. Even when I never saw him for 12 years, I would still hear about something RB said or did through Haniya.

"But I am so glad Bhai ditched you and RB got you instead—I mean Bhai even divorced his girlfriend whom he had left house for—You really dodged a bullet—" She snickered, turning to him who glared at her in return. I shifted in the backseat uncomfortably while watching this exchange. As they continued their bickering, I couldn't help but lean back with a sigh.

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