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I continued to stand to the far side of the room. My eyes glued to my feet, while I occasionally threw a glance around the hall. The Haveli was in an uproar since this morning, in preparation of Zaira's 9th birthday party. The sound of laughter mixed together with everyone's chattering continued to clash against my ears. Yet, I stood fidgeting in my place, feeling very much like a fish out of water. But that's how I had always felt here, anyways.

Someone who didn't belong—

My train of thoughts was interrupted, when there was a sudden rush of excitement soaring through the ball room. Everyone had started singing the birthday song and my eyes followed the track of noise to her figure appearing at the far end of the door.

At that moment, watching her from my hiding place afar, I couldn't help but become overwhelmed, by a sense of striking contrast of status difference. Over there, on one end of the room, stood people; who held a legitimate right to be here. And SHE was part of that group, as well. Whereas, I—I was just an outsider, trying to forcefully fit in; just like 'he' had mentioned several times already.

Really! What was I thinking? I shouldn't have come here. And I wouldn't have had, after his warning to stay away from her. But—only because Nanna said, to not worry about the silly stuff Harris had spouted, did I stupidly assume, that she might become happy to see me, too. I had even pestered Nanna and Gramps to help me buy a gift for her birthday and in the end, could manage to find, nothing but a book. Just brilliant!

'You're a complete daft, Rayyan Huzaifa Abdullah! Utterly mug!' I thought looking at the english copy of "Le Petit Prince" and a new copy of "The strange case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr.Hyde", wrapped in a gift wrap by Nans.

With a deep sigh, I turned up my gaze towards the vast deep ocean like distance separating us. We were literally oceans apart. She was standing there, looking like a little princess, in her pink frilly frock. Her expressions bewildered, by all the attention, as she desperately clutched at her Nanny's hand in attempts to cower behind her, hoping to escape from the overwhelming attention. Whereas, I stood here in my place, deflated; making vain attempts to catch her eye through the crowd.

Just then the crowd began to disperse and I caught her visibly scanning around the room. Her eyes still at a lookout and her feet not halting, until they had finally caught my gaze and froze there.

I sensed her sucking in a sharp breath, as she gaped at me with widening eyes. Only a moment later, her mouth had broken into a wide grin and she had shaken off her Nanny's grip, before bee lining towards me.

Whilst watching her run over that insurmountable gap separating us, so effortlessly—so simply, I couldn't help but feel bowled over. How easy was it for her to leave the protective embrace of her circle and dash towards me. Was she daft, too? Couldn't she comprehend the consequences of her actions? Did she wish to be ostracised too?

"You are here!" She breathed out with a gasp, muffled over by the sweet sound of her laughter. I could only gape at her open mouthed for a few moments, before my head slowly bobbed in a nod.

"I—Happy Birthday—" Not sure how I had managed to quack out those words, but following that, my hands had on it's own, held out the book towards her. Last time I saw her was a few days ago and I had noticed then, how intently she had read through the synopsis of my book.

Her eyes widened slightly at my this action, as she gingerly extended her hand to take hold of it. It didn't take a moment for her face to break out in another wave of bewilderment.

"Is this—" She couldn't finish, because I had cut her off with a sharp nod. She watched me for a moment, before drifting back to the books, which she was now clutching to herself, as if holding onto dear life. Her mouth opened, as if she meant to say something, but the moment was lost, when her Mom came in and started dragging her away.

"What are you doing here—making everyone wait—" Her Mom scolded, while she craned her neck, to turn and watch me flabbergasted
"Mummy—Rayyan—" She tried saying but was cut off again.

"What Rayyan—?! He isn't going nowhere! Worry about your own actions first—!" She listened to her chastising, with tears prickling the corners of her eyes and I could do nothing but watch her, being dragged away.

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