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"The Choice has been an Aridian tradition for over 100 years

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"The Choice has been an Aridian tradition for over 100 years. A competition in which the heir to the Aridian throne has to pick a bride out of 12 eligible Nobles' Daughters. The competition is a measure of grace, poise, eloquence and elegance as well as the ability to win the hand of the heir. In a few weeks, The Cut will be made in which 6 Ladies will be sent home and the most eligible 6 will remain. You will have a number of events in which you will be able to prove your strength. Queen Amelia and I look forward to having one of you as our daughter in law and the future Queen of Aridia," King Albert addressed, authority coating his voice. 

As he sat, Queen Amelia whispered something in his ear and he rose again. "As most of you may have noticed, Prince Carlos is not here due to...personal reasons. Do not fear, the prince is very much alive and well and you will see him in the upcoming days as this competition progresses." 

With that, King Albert returned to his seat and the Ladies began to chatter obnoxiously as the food was served. 

My mouth practically watered at the sight of the different plates of foods. From pie, to wild boar, to mashed potatoes- they had everything. 

"I mean, my father is an Earl, so we get all our dresses from Creania," One of the girls bragged. 

"Why do they care about this stuff?" I asked Fiona between bites. The food was utterly heavenly and the amount of food on the Ladies' plates appalled me. I had piled my plate, earning me disgusted, judgmental looks from the other Ladies. 

"Well, I think everyone just wants to prove that they're better than the rest," Fiona nodded. "We're all Nobles' daughters here but our families are ranked differently. The only thing we have in common is that everyone wants to climb to the top." 

"Not me," I singsonged. 

Fiona giggled, "You're so different, Maddie. I'm glad I found you- I don't know how I would  survived in this competition without you."

"Likewise," I said, before taking a bite from the fillet. 

"God, the food isn't running away now, is it?" Esme watched me, an amused expression on her face. "You eat like it's going to be your last meal." 

The other girls watched, giggling. Fiona watched me carefully, probably wondering what I would say. I knew the likes of Esme from Finishing School. She liked to hide bitter insults behind kind smiles and giggles. 

The thing was I knew how to do the same. 

I smiled, "If you keep talking, Esme, I'll make sure it's yours." 

Gasps resounded around the table as everyone stared at Esme, probably wondering what she would say in return. 

I watched as anger flashed through Esme's eyes for the briefest moment before her eyes filled with what looked like amusement. She giggled elegantly and the girls followed suit, believing her act. I could feel Esme staring daggers into me. I knew she was pissed that she hadn't managed to brainwash me like she'd done with the other girls. 

Dinner dragged along, mainly consisting of me stuffing myself with food and getting to know Fiona better. 

"I actually went to Finishing School in Paris," Fiona explained. "The girls there are monsters compared to the ones here." 

I nodded. "Finishing School was horrible for me. I can't count how many times I got sent to the Madame's office." 

"You got sent to the Madame's office?" Fiona's eyes widened. "I know you said you were mischievous but back in Paris, getting sent to the Madame's office was a big deal!" 

The night moved on until I was safely in bed. It took me a while to sleep. I wondered what was in store for me at the palace and whether I would be a disgrace to my family. I couldn't help but feel like something was going to go extremely wrong.


My sleep was interrupted by a soft voice calling my name repeatedly. 

"Caroline, for the last time- I didn't take your powder. Go away!" I moaned, turning over. 

"Lady Madeline, it's Imogen and Lucy," Imogen's voice cut through my dream. Groggily I opened my eyes to see Imogen and Lucy peering over me. 

"What time is it?" I croaked, sitting up straight in bed. I had to admit, there was something heavenly about the beds in the palace that made me just want to forget about the competition and go back to sleep. 

"Today you have the salon with Queen Amelia," Imogen said. "And if you don't get up soon, you'll be late." 

"And there's nothing Queen Amelia hates more than tardiness," Lucy added. 

"Well, she does hate when Prince Carlos disappears," Imogen quipped. 

Soon, they delved into a mini argument on what Queen Amelia hated the most. 

"Ladies, if she hates tardiness as much as you claim she does, then we'd better get started," I yawned, not quite fully awake yet. 

They got me dressed into an apricot coloured day dress and did my hair in a bun not as complicated as the one for the dinner. Again, the strawberry 'lip balm' was applied on my lips and as my stomach grumbled I was awfully tempted to lick the strawberry right off my lips. 

"All good?" I asked, desperate to get some food in my system. 

Imogen and Lucy nodded simultaneously. 

"First you'll head to the garden for breakfast, after which you will retreat to the Queen's salon for a day with the Queen, Princess and the other Ladies," Lucy explained. 

It sounded like the day was going to be completely boring, with the only exciting event being breakfast outside. I loved nature and the promise of fresh air set a bounce in my step. 

"Are you ready?" Imogen asked. 

"As ready as I can be," I muttered, nervously. 

"Just remember, it is an Aridian custom to walk at least 2 steps behind the Queen," Lucy explained. 

"But not more than 4 steps- that would be considered rude," Imogen compensated quickly. "Got it?" 

I wasn't sure I completely understood but I nodded either way. I couldn't help but wonder what was in store for me at my first day at the palace.  

Hey guys! For those of you that don't know, a salon is a gathering of people held by an inspiring host

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Hey guys! For those of you that don't know, a salon is a gathering of people held by an inspiring host. During the gathering they amuse one another and increase their knowledge through conversation. It's typically held in a drawing room or a 'Salon'. 

Don't forget to vote, comment and share. New chapter coming tomorrow. XOXO.

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