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I was stunned into silence

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I was stunned into silence. I was expecting almost anything but a secret room emerging from the palace walls. I had read about secret passageways and rooms in books before but I'd never actually been met with one in real life. It all seemed very dangerous...and exciting. 

I looked around quickly, to make sure no one was around before tentatively stepping into the dark room. The room was pitch black and I fumbled around for the light switch. As soon as bright white light illuminated the room, I was breath taken. 

I seemed to be in some sort of library, not as big as the Royal Library but definitely bigger than the Ladies' Salon. I slid the wall back in place, not even considering how I would find my way out. The library was beautiful, decked out in books of all shapes and sizes. But, it was extremely dusty and looked like it hadn't been used for a while. 

I coughed, the dust forming small clouds in the air. I was in a trance of discovery, the same questions running through my mind. Why was this room hidden? Why did it look like it hadn't been entered for years? 

I pulled out a book from one of the bookshelves, rubbing away at the dust with my hands, resulting in multiple sneezes. The title of the book was barely legible and it looked like it would fall apart at any minute. 

I turned to the first page and was met with what looked like handwriting. 'Cleme' was the only word I could make out as the rest had been washed out by age. Until it dawned on me that 'Cleme' was probably the first words from 'Clemence'. The book had probably belonged to Queen Clemence, Carlos' late mother. What if the secret library had belonged to the Queen? The realization only pushed my curiosity further. I began pulling out book after book, tangled in fairy tales and Greek myths and theologies. 

Until I found it. 

I knew it wasn't an average book when I saw it. It looked more like a journal with its tattered red cover. I turned over, expecting to see Queen Clemence's name but was instead met with the words 'A Journal on Aridian History'. I was incredibly tempted to return the book quickly. I had no interest in reading about Aridian history, just as I had no interest about learning about it in Finishing School. But something made me turn the page. 


This is not your average History book. In this book, I will explain the things you aren't taught in school. I will tell the tales of Aridian Kings and Queens, the secrets that they've tried to hide and how we came to where we are. I assume that the person reading this is a person of virtue, one who strives to find the truth and not be seduced by the lies we've been fed. If you are not that person, then this book is not for you. But if you are, then read on. 

Many believe that the Aridian throne was always in the family of Hayhursts. That is what we were told. That the Kings of Aridia are all Hayhursts, descendants of King Ogden of the Hayhursts. But that is wrong. 

King Ogden didn't start out as the Prince we thought he was. The first original Aridian family were the Paytons. The Paytons ruled over Aridia with an iron fist, though no one complained. Aridia flourished- numerous battles were won, the economy prospered, people were happy. There were countless rules in place but no one objected, because the Paytons brought light back to Aridia. 

That was, until Ralph of the Paytons became King. Since he was a young lad, people noticed Ralph was different. As a child, he was sighted watching the floggings, smiling deviously. It was rumored that he pranked the maids with dead animals he'd murdered. His eyes were unnerving, his smile deemed scary. The whole of Aridia dreaded the day that Ralph became King. 

Unfortunately, when Ralph's father, King Charles died strangely, Ralph gladly mounted the throne. Everything in Aridia went downhill from there. The rules intensified and King Ralph went on random killing sprees, murdering anyone that didn't obey. Poverty wrecked Aridia but Ralph didn't seem to care. He was a psychopath, unfit to rule. And only one person was brave enough to speak up. 

Ever since he was a boy, Ralph was close friends with Ogden. Ogden was Ralph's confidante, they did everything together and it was no surprise when Ogden was appointed as a Duke, Ralph's right hand man. 

Ogden was forced to follow Ralph on his 'expeditions' and did what he could to stop them. The disgust and hatred for Ralph's actions could be seen in Ogden's eyes and it was no news when rumors about a coup began to spread. 

Ogden gathered men in the army and normal citizens that were tired of Ralph's murderous ways and stormed the palace. It was a bloodbath. Hundreds of palace staff died but the most important defeat was Ralph's. Ogden had stabbed Ralph in the chest, killing him. After killing Ralph and seizing the throne, Ogden (being the merciful King he was) spared the lives of Ralph's supporters, granting them a few hours to leave Aridia or be slaughtered. Though, they didn't leave without a fight. 

Aridia was thankful for Ogden's betrayal as the Hayhursts carried on his legacy. Aridians chose to forget about the country's tainted past and instead, created a fabricated tale in order to maintain its high standards. But this is only the tip of the ice berg of Aridian secrets.


I couldn't believe what I had just read and my hands trembled with a mixture of excitement and fear. The name Ogden sounded familiar from occasional History classes back at Finishing School. But, I had never heard anything about a coup, or the Paytons. We'd always believed that Aridia's first and only royal family were the Hayhursts. Even King Albert and Carlos were Hayhursts. I couldn't even imagine a reign of terror and surprise mass killings. If this was only the tip of the iceberg, what other secrets could Aridia be hiding?

 If this was only the tip of the iceberg, what other secrets could Aridia be hiding?

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School is so boring, kill me now. OK big secrets about Aridia right? What do you think about Ogden and Ralph? 

Don't forget to vote, comment and share guys. XOXO.

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