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It had been a few days since Carlos and I were separated and I hadn't seen Carlos

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It had been a few days since Carlos and I were separated and I hadn't seen Carlos. I reeked and  my stomach turned painfully with hunger, due to the small amount of food we were given. I hadn't seen Amancio since I spat on him and he left angrily and it made me the tiniest bit happy. I didn't want to feel the large surges of regret and hurt I felt whenever I looked at him. 

I noticed I was getting skinnier and like I mentioned before, I smelled horrible and felt disgusting. The blood stains were still on my dress and there was nothing that I wanted more than to get out of the cell. 

"Princess, I have good news for you," The guard rapped on the cell bars. 

"I have a headache," I cringed. 

"And I don't care. Get up," He started to unlock the cell door. 

"Why? Where are you taking me?" I couldn't bother shouting. I felt so weak. 

"Madeline?!" Carlos called. 

"Carlos," I called back. "He's taking me out of the cell." 

I decided to try my luck. I elbowed the guard and kicked him in the nuts. He swore, crashing down to his knees. My heart beat faster than the speed of lightning as I ran down the hall, towards Carlos' cell. Before I could reach the door, I felt something pull my hair so hard I yelped. The guard twisted my hands behind my back and I was almost definite I hard a crack. 

"Let her go, you bastard!" Carlos yelled, shaking the bars of his cell. 

Hot tears pricked at my eyes but I didn't want to give him the satisfaction of seeing me cry. 

He led me out of the hallway of cells. 

The palace definitely seemed different. It was eerily empty- no maids running around- or nobles either. Pictures of past nobles had been torn down. It made me feel very uncomfortable. 

"Where are you taking me?" I sighed, feeling extremely weak. 

"You'll see when we get there," His grip on my arms tightened. 

Eventually, we arrived at a section of the palace I knew too well. The Ladies' Wing. A lump formed in my throat, the memories hitting me. 

I walked past Fiona's room and tears pricked at my eyes once again. I hadn't realized how much I'd missed her. Despite our differences, I wished she would come back. 

I realized we were standing in front of my bedroom. 

"What are we doing here?" I asked, confused. 

The guard didn't reply. Instead, he knocked on the door. A few seconds later, the door opened and Imogen appeared behind it. She looked a lot more different than before. 

Her eyes were dull and sad, a purplish red bruise accentuating her right eye. Her top lip was swollen and a bandaged cut designed her neck. 

"Imogen?" I pulled from the guard's grasp and threw my arms around her but strangely, she didn't reciprocate the hug. Her face showed no emotion as she led me into the room. It was just as I remembered. Nothing seemed different, yet everything was different. 

"Imogen, what did they do to you? Where's Lucy? Please, answer me," I begged. 

"You can leave now, Brutus. Unless you want to watch her get dressed," Imogen fixed the guard with a steely glare. 

Brutus grinned, his eyes mischievous. "I would like that." 

"Leave," Imogen narrowed her eyes. 

Brutus rolled his eyes, "Fine, I'm leaving but don't get any ideas. Remember the rules." 

What rules?

Imogen ignored him before he left, closing the door behind him. 

"He's gone now Imogen, please tell me what's going on?" I begged. 

"I'm sorry, Madeline. Get undressed, you need to get ready," Imogen's voice was monotonous. 

I noticed a weirdly shaped tattoo with two knives crossing inside a circle that I hadn't noticed before. 

Imogen caught me staring and pulled up the neckline of her dress. 

"Imogen, did they hurt you?" I probed further. 

Imogen ignored me and went to the bathroom to get the water running. I sighed dejectedly, taking off my bloodstained dress. 

I reveled in the feeling of the warm water against my body, washing away the pain, the blood, the tears, the dirt, the guilt- everything. 

When I was done showering, Imogen handed me the red and black dress I'd worn for The Masquerade Ball. I hesitated before putting it on, memories of the day resurfacing. 

She did my hair in silence and even though I knew she wasn't going to reply, I couldn't stop asking questions. 

"Why are you dressing me up? For God's sake, tell me what's going on," I pleaded. 

No answer. 

"How are you a part of them and you know what they've done Imogen? They...they killed Fiona," My lips trembled. 

Imogen closed her eyes and opened them again. "We're done here." 

I guessed the aggressive knock on the door that came after was from Brutus so I rose, looking around my room one last time. 

I let out a breath, making eye contact with Imogen just in time to see the tears that pooled in her eyes. 

Brutus pulled me along before I could say anything to Imogen. I didn't bother asking where he was taking me as it seemed like they were under some secret pledge of secrecy. 

We walked along the dreary, eerily quiet palace, different memories of the competition resurfacing. 

Until we stopped at a door. The door to the throne room. 

Brutus knocked twice and they swung open. 

The royal butler nodded at us. 

"King Amancio will see you now." 

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