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When I finally regained consciousness and I blinked my eyes open, all I could see was darkness

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When I finally regained consciousness and I blinked my eyes open, all I could see was darkness. I started to panic, fearing I had gone blind or worse- I had died. I didn't remember much of what happened, all I remember was a bag going over my head before I eventually blanked out. 

I tried to get in touch with my senses, desperately looking for ways to identify my surroundings. I could tell I was sitting on some sort of chair, my hands bound behind my back. I couldn't see or hear anything and there were no distinctive smells that could help. 

I couldn't believe it. I didn't know where I was. I didn't know what was happening. All I knew was that somehow, I'd been kidnapped. 

"Help!" I yelled, praying that someone would help me. "Please, let me go!" 

Fear chilled my blood as I screamed, desperately trying to take off the rope that bound my hands behind the chair. 

"I would advise you to stop trying, Lady Madeline," A deep voice I didn't recognize startled me. 

"Who are you?!" I demanded. "And what do you want with me?" 

"Patience is a virtue, Lady Madeline," Another voice piped up. This voice was definitely female but I didn't recognize it from anywhere. I felt completely helpless, a feeling I hated. A surge of anger washed over me. 

Who did these people think they were? They'd kidnapped me and didn't even have the decency to tell me why! But my anger soon watered down to fear. Would they kill me? I didn't even get to say my goodbyes. 

"We've noticed you've been doing a lot of digging recently," The man said. 


"Yes, so?" I rolled my eyes even though no one could see. 

"I think you're smart, Lady Madeline. You should know who we are," The lady spoke this time. 

I hadn't the slightest clue the identity of my kidnappers until it dawned on me. 

"The Dark Lords," I thought aloud, my heart racing. I couldn't believe I was actually seated in the same room as the rebels that had plagued Aridia for decades.

"Told you she was smart," The woman said to the man. 

"Trust me, Lady Madeline. We aren't here to hurt you," The man explained. 

"I find that extremely hard to believe after you knocked me out and threw a bag over my head," I snapped. 

"She's perfect. This is just the kind of fire we need," The woman exclaimed. 

Need for what? 

"Just please...let me go. I won't tell anyone about this," I begged, despite my utter confusion. 

"We have a preposition for you, Lady Madeline," The man started. 

"That's the thing. I don't care what you want, just let me go!" I tried to wriggle out of the rope, to no avail. 

"Join us, Lady Madeline. Be our eyes and ears inside of the palace. A revolution is coming, and our side is the right side to be on- the winning side," The woman interrupted my attempts. 

"I've read about what you do. Trying to overthrow the Hayhursts, overthrow the monarchy itself. You've hijacked shops- hurt people. I would die before I'd join you," I spat. 

"Lady Madeline, Lady Madeline, Lady Madeline," the man tsked. "Those were The Dark Lords of the past. The current Dark Lords are different. We strive to spread peace in Aridia, by taking down the monarchy and replacing it with a democracy, where the people have the vote." 

"What's wrong with the monarchy?" 

"The times of Kings and Queens are long gone, Lady Madeline. Besides, King Albert and Queen Amelia constantly lie to the Aridian citizens. The Nobles like to pretend Aridia is a utopia but they never speak about the Aridian children that are starving, families rotting in poverty," The woman spat, emotion coating her voice. 

I was shocked, taken aback. I knew there were poorer classes in Aridia but I didn't know there were people starving, people in poverty. I suddenly felt very horrible. Guilty that I had turned down good food in the past, wasted it without knowing what others were going through. 

If this was going on in Aridia, why didn't the Nobles help? Why didn't the royal family do anything to help? Did Carlos know about it? Did Amancio? 

"You still haven't offered me anything," I noted. All I wanted was to return to the palace and speak to Carlos, hear what he had to say. 

"Join us, Lady Madeline. We need someone like you on the inside. Besides, when the revolution comes- you'll want to be on our side," The man offered. 

"I don't condone violence. I don't want to be on the side that starts fights," I said, truthfully. I didn't want to make assumptions but it sounded like they were talking about a civil war. 

"Would you join us if we made you a preposition, a compromise?" The woman asked. I could feel her breath through the fabric of the bag. 

"Do I have a choice but to listen?" 

"We won't hurt Prince Carlos," The woman whispered. 

My heart instantly fluttered upon hearing Carlos' name. If I turned down The Dark Lords' offer, would they hurt Carlos? 

"And if I refuse?" I asked, my heart beating faster and faster by the second. 

"Then we'll stick to our original plan and wipe out the entire royal family," The man said and my blood chilled. 

"You monsters! Princess Barbara is barely 16! What makes you any different from them if you're willing to kill a child to achieve your goal?" I asked, enraged. 

"Listen here, Lady Madeline," I felt strong arms grab me. "This isn't a joke. This is a revolution. You're either with us or against us. If not, there will be consequences." 

Shaken, I cleared my throat. "Can you at least give me some time to think about it?" 

"We don't have-" The man started but was interrupted by the woman. 

"Give her some time. I know she'll come around." 

But, before I was knocked out again, I realized that I didn't need time. I already knew what my decision was. 

I was very excited to publish this chapter, let me know what you guys think

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I was very excited to publish this chapter, let me know what you guys think. It makes me much happier publishing 2 chapters a day and I can't wait till y'all read more! 

Also, it would mean a lot if you voted and/or commented. I like knowing who reads this book and it also just makes me happier in general. 

Love you guys so much xoxo

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