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"Are you sure we're allowed to be in here?" I asked, as Amancio led me through the deserted dance room

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"Are you sure we're allowed to be in here?" I asked, as Amancio led me through the deserted dance room. 

"We're not doing anything wrong, are we?" Amancio asked, a mischievous glint in his eyes as he started the music. 

"Well, no, but-," I started off but was interrupted by Amancio. 

"Shut up and dance, Madeline," Amancio grinned. He put his hands on my back and a shiver ran down my spine as his eyes connected with mine. Tentatively, I put my arm around his sturdy shoulders, before he took my other hand in his. 

"You're shaking, Madeline," Amancio noted, quizzically. "This isn't the first time we've danced." 

The truth was, I didn't know why I was sweating or shivering like it was winter. 

"It's...chilly in here," I lied and Amancio raised an eyebrow disbelievingly but didn't press it any further. 

"Now, when you're dancing you want to follow the lead of your partner," Amancio said, as we swept across the ballroom floor. 

I nodded, letting him guide me. 

"Also, listen to the music- and follow the rhythm, you start to enjoy it," Amancio added, his eyes staring right into mine. 

I quickly looked away, clearing my throat. "I can't help but wonder, why are you friends with Carlos? You're both entirely different people," It was an extremely random question but I desperately needed something to change the mood. 

"My father was King Albert's most trusted advisor, so we frequently visited the palace when I was a child. My mother had died during my birth so Queen Clemence took care of me. Naturally, Carlos and I grew up to be closer than brothers and when my father died, I moved into the palace," Amancio explained. I didn't know Amancio's mother had died during his birth and I watched as his eyes glistened with what looked like tears. 

"Am I a professional dancer yet?" I asked, another attempt at lightening up the mood. 

"You're still a bit clumsy," Amancio grinned apologetically. "But that can be fixed with more practice." 

Was he suggesting we do this more than once? 

"We'll have you in tip top shape before The Demi Ball." 

"Not that I want to go," I sighed. I hated balls. 

"Tell me about it. All the greeting, the dancing- it's quite overwhelming," Amancio rolled his eyes. "When Carlos and I were about 15, we'd sneak away from the ball and drink mead in the royal library." 

I couldn't help but giggle at the thought of teenage Amancio and Carlos, sneaking away to drink alcohol. Carlos seemed far too prudish and well-behaved for that. Back at the manor, my father would let me take sips from his wine when he was in a good mood. Thinking of my family back home set a pang of homesickness in my chest, though, I never thought I'd admit to missing my mother's madness- or Caroline's stupidity. 

"What are you thinking about?" Amancio asked. 

I sighed, "Home." 

"Do you miss your family? Well, of course you do, that was a stupid question," Amancio chuckled, as we danced. 

"My family isn't exactly the best so I can't say I miss them. I just miss the predictability and normalcy my life back at home had. Here, anything can happen- and it scares me," I said, truthfully. "Never mind, I don't think you'd understand." 

Amancio stopped, one hand still on my waist, the other holding mine. "Trust me, Madeline. I understand more than you can imagine." 


When I returned to my room, I was exhausted. My legs felt like jelly and all I wanted to do was clamber into bed and fall asleep. 

"Where have you been Lady Madeline? A letter came for you?" Imogen piped up. 

I fell face down against the bed, before reaching out for the letter. Surprisingly, it bore the seal of my family. Remembering what happened the last time, I made sure not to get too excited as it was apparent they didn't really care about me. 

I tore the letter open and began to read. 

Dear Maddie, 

I can't believe I'm saying this, but I miss you. And don't start getting a big head because I still hate you. I'm appalled that you've made it this far in the competition without being thrown out. Did mother's lessons work? What does Prince Carlos look like? Does he really have a jaw that can slice diamonds? What are the other Ladies like? Please tell me you haven't been eating like a hog. Either way, I think mother is facing Madeline-scolding withdrawal symptoms and father forgot he's allergic to garlic and is now on bed-rest. I have big news! Lord Enfield has showed interest in marrying me. I know I have a lot of suitors but Lord Enfield's father is an Earl. When he dies, and Lord Enfield becomes the Earl- I'd be a Countess- not an average viscountess anymore. Imagine how exciting that would be! 


Lady Caroline Prowess, Viscountess of Colgate

I don't know if it was the way Caroline rambled about nothing in particular, the fact that she loved to sign her name along with her title even though it was extremely unnecessary or the fact that she admitted to missing me that brought tears to my eyes. 

I'd spent a good amount of my life wondering if I was actually a Prowess. I wondered if maybe I'd been dropped at the manor's doorstep as a baby, the child of a baker- or maybe a hunter. I never really felt loved by my sister Caroline- or even my mother but this letter completely changed my perspective and I immediately started on my reply. 

Okay maybe Caroline isn't so bad after all right? Who do the characters remind you of, and who is your favourite character? 

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Okay maybe Caroline isn't so bad after all right? Who do the characters remind you of, and who is your favourite character? 

School starts in 2 days and I'm dreading it so much. I'm just glad I finished writing this book before school started. 

Don't forget to stay safe guys- and don't forget to vote, comment and share. Ly!

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