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Instead of explaining to us, Queen Amelia spoke in hushed tones with Amancio, leaving Carlos and I to figure things out

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Instead of explaining to us, Queen Amelia spoke in hushed tones with Amancio, leaving Carlos and I to figure things out. 

Amancio had removed the ropes that held Queen Amelia but not Carlos'. Queen Amelia had me tied up beside Carlos. King Albert was dead. Queen Amelia didn't seem fazed at the fact that her husband had been beheaded. She didn't seem affected by the fact that her husband was dead. Or the fact that her daughter was missing. Amancio couldn't even look at me. The guards wore red and black uniforms instead of their gold coloured ones. 

I didn't want to believe it. 

I couldn't. 

Amancio was my friend. I had feelings for Amancio. He helped save Colgate. He..he... 

"You're part of The Dark Lords, aren't you?" Tears pooled in my eyes for the hundredth time that day. 

"You did tell me she was smart, Amancio," Queen Amelia smirked deviously. 

"Amancio, tell me this isn't true. That...this is some kind of misunderstanding," Carlos stared at Amancio in disbelief. 

Amancio's eyes met Carlos'. His eyes were different. They were glassy, emotionless...cold. "Now you know the truth, Carlos." 

"Amancio...how could you?!" I yelled. "You're...part of them? They killed innocent people! They killed Fiona!" 

Amancio knelt before me, his face awfully close to mine. "None of the people who lie dead in this ballroom are innocent, Madeline." 

"You killed my father," Carlos spat, his chest heaving with anger. "How could you betray me like this? I thought we were brothers. How long have you been lying to me, you bastard?!" 

"Don't be so dramatic, Carlos," Amancio rolled his eyes. "It's nothing personal, I promise. I mean, you're still alive aren't you?" 

I shook with anger. How could Amancio betray Carlos? Betray me? How could he go all those weeks pretending to be on our sides will he plotted with the enemy? He was responsible for Fiona's death and I wanted nothing more than to strangle him. 

But there was also sadness. And disbelief. Maybe I was dreaming. Amancio was the good guy. 

But I wasn't. He watched me get tied up and didn't even try to intervene. 

"You knew this attack would happen," I thought aloud. "You told us to go to the drinks table on purpose." 

"Ding ding ding," Queen Amelia smiled, revealing a perfect row of teeth, so perfect they looked almost demonic. 

"Trust me, Madeline. You don't even know half of the story," Amancio shook his head. 

"Please, Amancio. You don't want to do this," I begged. 

Amancio hesitated, before turning around to face me. "You're right, Madeline. I didn't lie about my feelings for you. Those are very real. Stay with me. Join The Dark Lords and we can lead this rebellion together." 

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