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"I'm so nervous, Madeline," Fiona sighed, gripping my hand tightly

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"I'm so nervous, Madeline," Fiona sighed, gripping my hand tightly. 

We were seated in the salon, along with the other Ladies and everyone was buzzing with excitement (and fear) about The Demi Ball, which was only a day away. I had to admit, with Amancio's teaching, I had gotten noticeably better at dancing but it still wasn't enough to guarantee my success at the ball. I still felt like I would embarrass myself in front of the whole of Aridia. But, on the bright side, I would be going home soon. I could finally leave the uncertainty and demands of court behind and return to my boring life back at the Prowess Manor. 

"There's nothing for you to be nervous about, Fiona," I rolled my eyes. I'd been saying the same thing for about 1 hour but Fiona didn't seem to want to listen. "I can guarantee you, you'll last through The Cut." 

"Well, if you think so. But if you're one of the 6 that leaves, and I stay, how will I survive without you?" Fiona asked, pouting. 

"Just focus on winning the competition- and charming Prince Carlos. He's bound to choose you over these knuckleheads," I encouraged. 

"Why do you continue to lie to yourselves? Everyone knows I've already won this competition," Esme's shrill voice cut through the air. She'd succeeded in grabbing the attention of the rest of the Ladies and they looked at her with shock and awe. 

"And how, may I ask, do you know that?" I tried my best to look bored. 

"Come on now, Maddie. I'm easily the most beautiful girl here. I went to the best finishing school and I have the highest ranking, as a Marchioness. The Prince wouldn't want to marry just anyone," Esme smirked. "Besides, the Queen plays a huge part in deciding who lasts The Cut or not. It's obvious those she'll pick and those she won't." 

"I think Esme is just speaking the obvious truth," Lady Katherine shrugged and the other Ladies nodded in agreement. 

I couldn't take it anymore. "Are you seriously listening to Esme? She's making you all look like brainless idiots. You're ready to throw away your dreams for someone who couldn't care less if you drowned in a muddy puddle. Any of you could stand a chance against Esme. Plus, in the end, it's the Prince's choice- not the Queen's. And from what I've heard, he doesn't like you very much." 

I was speaking too fast to realize my mistake. 

Esme, however, wasn't fazed. "And how would you know that, Lady Madeline?" She folded her arms across her chest, fixing me with a steely glare. 

"I- uh," I fumbled. 

"Maybe she's secretly meeting the prince," Ashley giggled and the Ladies laughed. 

"That's quite enough, Ashley," Fiona piped up. 

"You know what? Madeline might just be right. Everyone in this room could stand a chance to win Prince Carlos' hand except you, Madeline. You don't belong here. You scream hopelessness. You would be doing us all a favor if you left right now," Esme retorted, before leaving the room. The other Ladies followed quickly after, whispering and giggling. 

"Don't listen to her, Madeline," Fiona sighed. 

"There's no denying it, Fiona. Esme is right. I'm not a Lady and I don't belong here." 


I spent the rest of the day in my room, reading. I had to admit, I was still furious at Esme, but I was even more furious with myself for letting her get to me. In finishing school, I'd had many encounters with spoiled brats like Esme and no matter how hard I tried to forget about the situation and read, I couldn't stop a memory resurfacing. 


It was the end of the summer, and the start of my first year at Finishing School. I was just 13 years old, gangly and awkward. My mother had dropped Caroline and I off and just as I had predicted, Caroline had run off with some giggling 15 year olds, leaving me all alone. 

I had many encounters with mean girls at Finishing School but there was one that was permanently etched in my brain. 

It was a few weeks into the school term and I had not gotten used to the new school term as expected. The other girls had already formed cliques and hardly paid any attention to me, while I hardly saw Caroline and she'd never bothered to ask how I was faring. 

I tried not to find trouble. I kept to myself and rarely spoke to the other girls. But there were some girls that were too hard to avoid. Elodie Cromwell was the major bane of my life at Hartford. She was easily the most popular girl in the 1st year. Just like Esme, she had a long line of other girls who practically worshiped her. I for one, wasn't about to bow down, and she noticed. 

"Oh my, look at poor Madeline. She can't even do a simple pirouette. How did you graduate grammar school?" Elodie asked, her eyebrows raised in a smirk. 

The other girls giggled and watched as I tried to turn- and hopelessly failed. 

"She's absolutely pathetic!" Elodie cried. "To think she's Caroline Prowess' sister." 

They never relented in picking on me and most times I ignored them. But this time, it was getting too much to bear. 

"Uh...are you deaf or something?" Elodie stepped closer to me. Despite the fact that I easily towered over the other girls, I felt quite small as Elodie fixed me with a steely glare. 

Eloide grabbed my hair and pulled so hard, spots clouded my vision. I cried out in pain. 

"So you can speak," She crossed her arms across her chest, smiling triumphantly. The other girls watched, dumbfounded. There were countless fights at Hartford but they were rarely physical. If the Madame saw what was going on, she'd probably faint. I was still in shock after Elodie had pulled my hair, until she did it again. 

This time, I didn't hesitate before punching Elodie right in the nose. It was a time-tried method of self defense that I'd used numerous times when Caroline was being too annoying. Elodie staggered back, clutching her nose. The tears that welled up in her eyes couldn't be ignored. I smiled triumphantly, ready to walk away when Elodie pulled me back and pressed me up against the wall, her hand against my neck. 

She pressed hard enough for me to feel the pain, but not hard enough that I wasn't able to breathe. Her nose was bleeding uncontrollably and she didn't seem to care. 

"Listen here, Madeline. You might think you're all that because you read books but you should know this, you will never ever be a Lady. You'd be lucky if a man even looked twice at you," With that, she wiped the blood off her nose and walked away, the girls following in a stunned silence. 

Hi guys!!! How did you like this chapter? And what do you think of Esme and Elodie and The Demi Ball? 

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Hi guys!!! How did you like this chapter? And what do you think of Esme and Elodie and The Demi Ball? 

School starts tomorrow but since I'm done writing this book, the updates will come without a hitch. 

Don't forget to vote, comment and share. Stay safe guys. Ly!

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