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"But Fiona

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"But Fiona...," Lucy trailed off, confused. 

I quickly wiped away the tears that had appeared on my cheeks. "I know. I don't even know what to think. The culprit is the last of our worries- now I have nothing to wear for the masquerade ball." 

I buried my face in my hands. I knew something horrible was going to happen. Why couldn't things just go well for once? 

"Where are you going?" I asked as Lucy walked towards the door. 

"I'm going to get Imogen. You will go to that ball, Madeline, and you will look drop dead gorgeous," She said, before leaving. 


I'd been sitting in my room for almost 10 minutes when someone knocked on the door again. I didn't bother to ask who it was. The ball was going to start in 30 minutes and I was still in my robe, looking very dumb. Lucy was nowhere to be found. 

I couldn't believe Fiona would do something like that to me. I refused to believe it. I thought we'd finally resolved our differences. Why did she act like everything was fine between us when it wasn't? My fists clenched and my sadness turned to anger. She'd lied to me that Carlos was looking for me. She'd planned it elaborately. I was so stupid. So stupid to think that I could actually have a genuine friend that would stick by my side. 

"Lady Madeline?" Imogen poked her head round the door, a smirk tugging at her lips. 

I raised an eyebrow quizzically. I'd have expected Imogen to be fuming with anger at usual but she looked pretty happy. 


"You're going to the ball," Imogen closed the door behind her. 

"I have nothing to wear," I stated the obvious, trying hard not to cry again. 

"Oh, but you do," Imogen held up a black garment bag. 

"What's that?" I asked, curiously. 

"Your dress, Cinderella," Imogen winked. "Now close your eyes." 

Before I could protest, Imogen fixed me with a stern glare and I closed my eyes reluctantly. 


"You can open now," Imogen whispered after my eyes had been closed for a while. 

I opened my eyes and I was taken aback by the person that looked back at me through the mirror. 

I was dressed in a red and black mermaid ball gown that accentuated curves I didn't know I had. I couldn't believe my eyes. The dress was the most beautiful dress I'd ever seen with sleeves that fell right off the shoulder and a well fitting bodice that clung to me like second skin. At the bottom the red fabric fanned out, resembling flames. 

Imogen had redone my make-up to match the dress and instead of the pale pink lip balm, she'd applied its dark red counterpart- transforming my appearance altogether. She'd pulled my hair out of its bun and it cascaded in loose curls around my shoulders. 

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