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Taehyung covers his ears and screws his eyes shut as he unwillingly listens to the dull thuds against his bedroom wall. Jungkook has no common courtesy whatsoever for overnight guests as he yet again makes sure his sexual appetite can be heard not only by guests inside the apartment but in the adjoining buildings as well. Disgusted and unable to sleep, Taehyung drags himself out of bed and heads to the balcony for fresh air.

You would think amidst the bustle of the city on a Saturday night, Jungkook's girlfriend's wails wouldn't be heard but they are vivid, loud and clear next to the yells and car horns of the night life below. Taehyung sighs realizing another night of broken sleep awaits him and wipes his face with both hands.

Half an hour passes before Taehyung realizes there is no more moaning and five minutes after that Jungkook joins him on the balcony shirtless and barefoot in basketball shorts that hang low on his slender waist. His skin is sprinkled with a thin sheen of sweat and his hair is a shaggy mess.

"Couldn't sleep again, Tae?" Jungkook asks lighting a joint and taking a hit. He holds his breath and hands it off to Taehyung who shakes his head and raises his hand declining the offer. Jungkook shrugs and hits again then exhales with only a small cough and a sniff.

"On the contrary. I was sleeping quite well until you and What's-Her-Name came home. You realize some of us need solid, uninterrupted sleep, correct?" Taehyung answers leaning on the railing admiring the flickering lights of the city's main drag.

"I think her name is Shanda," Jungkook begins taking another hit from his joint. "Or maybe it's Sandra. In any case, she should be getting ready to leave as we speak."

"What happened to the girl from the other day? How many girlfriends do you have exactly?" Taehyung turns his head toward Jungkook in shock.

"That's Ani. She knows her place, but still allows me to have my fun."

"What exactly is 'her place'? I hope that is a new term and not the old fashioned one that comes to mind." Taehyung stands and faces Jungkook prepared to knock sense into his cousin.

"Relax, Tae," he says leaning onto the railing exhaling and clearing his throat. "Ani knows if and when I decide to settle down, it will be with her. I am still young and have an insane sex drive and Ani, as sweet as she is, simply can't keep up. She agreed to the whole open relationship thing to 'help get my whoring over with' as she calls it. I don't care what she calls it as long as I'm still able to fuck whoever I want whenever I want everyday."

"That sounds quite asshole-y of you, Kookie. She seemed like too sweet of a girl for you to do that to. How did you end up with her?"

"I took her virginity. Wasn't aware until I was already balls deep and she started to cry. I don't get why chicks do that to guys. Don't they understand how much of a burden that is to bear?" Jungkook stands and scratches his chest. "Something about her got under my skin though. To this day she's the only woman I've ever allowed to stay the night in my bed. That's why I said should I ever settle, she'd be the one."

Taehyung's face drops along with his shoulders. "You basically just said if you don't find a better piece of ass, you'll settle for her. That is not asshole-y. You are an asshole."

"Then so be it. Listen, I've got to put this chick out so I can get some sleep. Gym calls early and I have to drag Ani's ass out of bed. I swear, she could put forth a bit more effort in waking herself up to go with me." He presses out his joint and leaves it laying in the ashtray turning to head back indoors.

"Are you sure she even wants to go?" Taehyung's question makes Jungkook stop in his tracks and turn around.

"I told you no overnight guests."

"I meant Ani. Did you ever think she doesn't really want to go if you have such a hard time getting her out of bed? Do you consider how she feels about it?"

Jungkook takes a few steps towards Taehyung clenching his teeth with his head slightly tilted to the side. His sharp jawline becoming intimidating he replies, "You've been here five days, cousin. Don't fuck up your free ride asking so many questions. What Ani and I have going works for us and it's none of your or anybody else's business what goes on. You wouldn't be so worried about my woman if you had one of your own. Let's work on that, shall we?"

Taehyung swallows but doesn't break eye contact with his cousin. His mouth stays shut but his mind wants to speak.

"Just as I thought. Lock the door on your way back in. I'm going to get rid of Shayla or whatever her name is."

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