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Ani's center quivered hearing Taehyung's words. "Is it.. a sexual thing?"

"It's the equivalent of him calling you his older sister or you calling me your older brother. They're also used for your girlfriend or boyfriend though I think your boyfriend had other intentions in mind when he made you call him oppa." He hangs his head and chuckles quietly to himself.

"Can I ask you something personal, Taehyung?"

Taehyung sighs before leaning back against his headboard and crossing his arms. He looks at Ani already anticipating her question. "Shoot."

"Are you a virgin?"

Taehyung's jaw drops. He's left speechless while Ani attempts to backtrack and explain her question.

"I don't mean to pry, and if you don't want to answer that's perfectly fine. It's just that JK has said things that lead me to think you have very little experience if you have any at all and there's nothing wrong with that so please don't think that's what I'm saying. It's just I was curious and I don't know if you and he talk about things like that but -"

"No." Taehyung replies simply, swallowing hard.

"Do you know what you're doing? That doesn't sound right. Have you had a lot of sexual partners? No, I mean.." Ani fumbles over her words. She looks around the room purposely avoiding Taehyung's gaze.

"What are you getting at, Anais? Just spit it out already."

"I don't.. I'm not sure how to ask this." She scoots closer to the head of the bed putting her an arm's length from Taehyung's body. "Are you gentle or rough in bed?"

"I don't believe anyone should be hurt during such an exposed time, if that's what you're asking." He scowls looking at his feet. Taehyung feels Ani's eyes on the side of his face once she understands exactly what it is he said.

"Will you show me what that's like?"

"I'm not going to have sex with you, if that's what you're wanting. You and your crazy ass boyfriend can stop that shit right now." Taehyung makes an X with his arms and shakes his head.

"Why didn't you tell me JK told you it was okay to have sex with me?" Ani's eyes are slightly teary with hurt hidden within them.

"I thought you and he discussed this beforehand. I didn't know it was news to you."

"He didn't. I only asked you to show me because I don't believe the way JK has sex with me is the way it's supposed to be. Women on television and in movies don't hurt or cry afterwards unless pain was intentional."

Taehyung watches Ani hang her head and nibble her lip more as she stares at the chipped polish on her toe. "Does he hurt you every time you have sex?" he asks, an anger boiling up inside him. If her answer was anything except no, he was ready to track down his cousin and beat his ass right where he stood.

"He was a little rough the first time but he didn't know I'd never been with anyone before him. I guess he kind of increased over time. He says I have to stay shaved down there and I stopped shaving for a while because I was too sore. I lied and told him I had an ingrown hair and it was too irritated to shave but actually I just wanted a break for the day." She fiddles with the bottom of her shirt. "It only upset him more so he had me anyway.. back there."

"Anais, did he force you to have anal sex?" Taehyung's hand has balled into a fist.

"I didn't want to, but he said if I didn't he would find somebody that would. I didn't want him to leave so I agreed to do it. It hurt worse than regular sex."

Taehyung hops out of bed grabbing his phone and keys before heading to the bedroom door. "Fucking asshole."

Ani jumps up in front of Taehyung stopping him just as he reaches for the knob. "What are doing? Please don't tell him I told you these things!"

"He's raped you, Anais! He hurts you over and over again and for whatever reason you continue to let him! He deserves to have his ass beat for that."

"He loves me! He's going to marry me one day! We just have to make it through this rough patch and then things will be okay!" Ani's tears roll down her cheeks as she pleads to Taehyung.

"He's not going to marry you! He's just using you as his little plaything because you do whatever he wants whenever he wants and he likes that! Why can't you see that?"

"Why would you say such horrid things? He LOVES me! He told me so!" Ani cries as she yells back.

"He doesn't love you! Jungkook only loves himself and he only told you those things to keep getting in your pants!" Taehyung yells backing Ani against the bedroom door.

Ani trembles and tears spill over her flushed cheeks. Realization wipes over her face and she pinches her eyes shut as she begins to audibly sob.

Taehyung's shoulders drop as he slinks away. His face softens watching Ani come to grips. Future hopes and dreams were all Ani had to hold onto and Taehyung just demolished those with the naked truth. He watches as Ani's cries increase when she allows herself to slide down the door and pull her knees to her chest. She leans her face over crying into herself.

"Ani," Taehyung speaks gently, "I'm sorry. I didn't mean-"

"Don't speak, please." Her muffled voice replies. "Please don't say another word."

Metanoia // jjk [COMPLETED]Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ