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"That was yummy. Excuse me while I run to the potty," Ani giggles and hops up from the kitchen bar. Taehyung watches the way she scurries down the hall and smiles to himself. He was able to lift Ani's spirits somewhat while they made breakfast and even more so as they ate.

He had offered to help with the cooking even though he didn't know much but he knew enough to make a simple breakfast. She politely turned down his offer and instead cooked for the both of them.

Taehyung's breakfast was grand, more than he was used to eating and hers was simply fruit. He tried to get her to help him with his meal and she accepted a few bites but in turn didn't finish her fruit. 

They talked for a while, basic getting to know you conversation, before Ani's phone rang. Taehyung noticed the picture was of Jungkook during one of his workouts. His name was saved as 'JK My Love' with two hearts. Taehyung rolled his eyes, but Ani's eyes lit up and she answered happily. "Hey, baby! When are you coming home? I miss you!" she chirps out. 

Her face drops hearing Jungkook yell at her through the phone. "I-I haven't left yet. I thought you might be back soon and I wanted to -" he cuts her off angrily. "I'm sorry. I'll go right now. I was just finishing breakfast with Taehyung and -" 

More yelling over the phone. Taehyung looks at Ani noticing her eyes moisten and her lips quiver. "I didn't eat much. I swear." 

Taehyung's jaw drops. Was Jungkook seriously berating her for eating breakfast? "I will. Right now. When are you -" Jungkook disconnects the line leaving Ani staring at a her lockscreen. This is when she decided to use the restroom. 

Taehyung stands to clear away the dishes before heading to his room to find clothing for the day. He stops outside of the restroom hoping the sound he hears isn't what he thinks. The toilet flushes, water running, Ani spitting down the sink, then the door opens.

She stands in shock obviously not expecting Taehyung to be there waiting. "I have to go get groceries for JK. I forgot. Do you know what time the bus leaves?"

"You're grocery shopping for him and taking the bus? Why doesn't he take you or do it himself?"

"He won't be home tonight. He said he met up with friends and they are going to party." She sniffs. She doesn't believe his lies and neither does Taehyung. 

"Give me a few to get showered and dressed. I'll take you myself." Taehyung continues to his bedroom to grab his clothing. He reaches for his phone and notices a text from Jungkook. He reads it and drops his phone on the bed. "Un-fucking-believable!" 

"Is everything okay?" Ani asks from the doorway. Taehyung turns to look at her. He doesn't want to tell her about the text he received especially after what he knows Ani just did in the restroom. 

"Yeah. Fine. I'm going to shower." He replies curtly and heads to the shower. 

Ani waits for the shower to start before she gives in to temptation and tiptoes into Taehyung's room lifting his phone from the bed. She sees texts from Jungkook and from an unsaved number. The messages are all in Korean but there are several that all say the same thing, one of the few words Ani learned. "I'm sorry".

She goes to Jungkook's chat thread and reads the messages from today. Her heart clutches at the fact Taehyung knew where Jungkook was but didn't tell her and that he was with another woman.

Ani can't get angry as she was the one who agreed to let Jungkook go about as if he was single. She agreed to him sleeping with other women and partying while she waited for him to get all of his tendencies out of his system so they could get married and have a family someday. He said he would choose her someday when he was ready. 

Jungkook wasn't ready to settle down and start a family when they met a little less than a year ago, so Ani agreed to terminate her pregnancy when she found out two months later. She couldn't be a single mother and she couldn't go home to her parents because they would disown her.

Women parent alone all the time but Ani was not one of those that could. Jungkook kept her around, even once calling her 'the one' which made Ani's heart do a flip, but continued about his life as if the night they spent together meant nothing to him. 

It meant the world to Ani. It was her first taste of love, the first time anyone had ever touched her in any special places. She was twenty-two and decided to go to the first and last college party of her life. She met Jungkook, his built stature and bedroom eyes drawing her in, and when he slid his arm around her tugging her so close to him as they danced Ani knew she was done for.

He took her home and she woke the next day in his bed naked and in love. Jungkook had her once more before she headed back to her house and they continued to see each other. 

Ani can't get mad that Jungkook announced six months ago that they were too much and he was too young to settle down prompting Ani to throw the idea of an open relationship into the mix. He wouldn't be only hers but at least she wouldn't lose him completely. 

So as she stands here rereading the text Jungkook just sent to Taehyung, she couldn't get mad that he offered her up to Taehyung like a sex doll just to be used until Jungkook came back to play with her again because she was a part of this whole open relationship thing too.

She couldn't get mad, but she could be hurt.

Metanoia // jjk [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now