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The intense look Taehyung is giving Ani spurns a warmth between her thighs. Taehyung's eyes look her over and know immediately what is happening. "What are you thinking about?"

"I-I," Ani stumbled. Her eyes search everywhere for an acceptable answer. "I don't think I want to say."

Taehyung looks back to the television flipping through the selections with the remote. "You don't have to. You should check yourself. You've made a wet spot in your shorts."

Ani opens her legs and places a hand over her shorts feeling the damp material with her hand. She closes her legs back quickly and bee lines for Jungkook's bedroom. She has no other clothes there so she removes her outfit and changes into the big shirt she wore earlier.

The cool air breezes through her moist center and sends a chill all through the rest of her body. She's never become aroused for anyone except Jungkook so why was this happening now?

Ani heads to the restroom to clean and dry herself before returning to the sofa with Taehyung. She takes her seat careful to keep her shirt down and pulls the throw from the arm of the nearby chair over her legs.

Taehyung has spread on the sofa more, one arm now stretched across the back. He pulls his shirt down over his crotch again once Ani sits down and she hangs her head in shame. "I'm sorry, Taehyung. I didn't mean to make you feel uncomfortable."

"You can't help it. Your body reacts to stimuli whether you want it to or not. I'm not sure what stimuli it was reacting to but it happens to us all." His eyes never leave the television. "How about we order pizza?"

"We just bought groceries. There's all this food here." Ani replies. She knows she can't eat pizza. Jungkook would be angry.

"And I want pizza," Taehyung states picking up his phone and opening the delivery app. "What do you like on yours?" he asks as he types on his phone. His fingers slow when he realizes Ani hasn't replied. He looks up to her surprised to see the intense look on her face. "Ani?"

"Can-can I tell you something?" Ani speaks barely above a whisper. She's nervous as apparent by the way she fiddles with her fingers.

Taehyung sets his phone on his leg and gives Ani his full attention. "Okay. Is everything all right?"

"I think I am attracted to you, but I don't know what that means." she mumbles out. "My body is reacting to you and I don't know what to do about it or why it's happening."

Taehyung shifts uncomfortably in his seat and clears his throat. "Oh. Okay. Wow."

"I know this must be awkward but I just thought you should know. I've never been with anyone other than JK." She looks to him waiting for some type of reply.

"What is the purpose of telling me this? What are you expecting?" Taehyung doesn't look at Ani but instead looks toward the coffee table frowning.

"I don't know. I don't know what anyone else's touch feels like including my own. I guess if you wanted to show me, I'd be open to being with someone new. JK won't mind."

Taehyung's head snaps in Ani's direction. "How do you know he won't mind? Did he tell you to offer yourself to me?"

"No. It's part of being in an open relationship. If he ca-" she hesitates, "if he tries something new then I can too. Right?"

"Then maybe you should start with touching yourself. I'm not hungry anymore. I think I'm going to catch up on some rest."

Taehyung walks to his bedroom lightly pushing the door shut behind him before he lays in his bed on his back with both arms crossed over his face. He sighs heavily and tries to calm his aggravation at his cousin's stupid suggestion.

How could he offer that poor girl up to him without any consideration as to what she wants? It shouldn't surprise Taehyung by now, as his once sweet younger cousin has grown into a pompus prick.

Taehyung sighs again when he hears four tiny knocks on his bedroom door. "What?" he bellows.

"Taehyung, I-I'm sorry. Can I come in, please?" Ani's small sweet voice asks through the door.

Taehyung rubs his face, sitting up on his bed and covering his crotch with a pillow. "Yeah."

Ani steps softly into the room and shuffles over to the edge of Taehyung's bed. She's nervous, he notices how she twists her fingers anxiously and nibbles the bottom corner of her lip before she speaks. "I ruined our day. I'm sorry. I didn't aim to upset you."

"It's not your fault, Anais. Jungkook has grown up to be quite a twenty year old asshole."

Ani frowns, leaning her head to the side. "You mean twenty-three. He's twenty-three years old, right?"

Taehyung snorts. "He told you that? I bet he likes it when you call him oppa, too?"

Ani's face reddens and she looks like she could sink into herself. "I never knew what it meant, but he liked when I said it when we.. when he was about to.. you know."

Taehyung shakes his head laughing quietly to himself. "What an asshole. I'm twenty-five. How old are you?"

Ani sits cautiously on the edge of Taehyung's bed. "I can't believe he lied to me. I'm twenty-three."

"Since you're older than him, you are his noona," Taehyung clears his throat and looks at Ani through his long lashes, "and I am your oppa."

Metanoia // jjk [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now