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Taehyung continues to delve deeper into Ani's core and she whines holding onto his shoulders and pressing her lips against his neck.

"Please have me. Show me how sex is supposed to feel."

"I-I can't. Please don't ask again."

Ani places more soft kisses against Taehyung's throat moving slowly up to his earlobe. She whimpers needily when Taehyung's fingers brush over a spot she's never had touched before. She clenches Taehyung's shoulders, her mouth drops open and her eyes roll back.

"You feel so good, Anais, but I can't do this." He starts to pull his hand back but Ani catches his wrist.

"Please don't leave me like this. Please." She begs.

"I can't have sex with you. I'm-" Taehyung hesitates searching Ani's eyes for a moment debating on revealing more than he wanted to.

"It's okay if you're really a virgin. I don't mind."

Taehyung frowns. "I'm not a virgin. I'm just-" he sighs. Ani's hips carry on with their movements attempting to lure Taehyung's fingers back inside of her. "I'm saving myself for marriage."

"But you said you're not a virgin." Ani flicks Taehyung's earlobe with the tip of her tongue.

He gasps. "I'm not. I had sex with my fiance already."

Ani freezes. She feels her face heat as she pulls back. "I'm sorry. I didn't know you were engaged."

Thoroughly embarrassed, Ani removes herself from Taehyung's lap. She stands in front of him for just a second before tucking her hair behind her ear and reaching for her phone.

Taehyung wraps his hand around her phone before she is able to reach it. "I'm not anymore."

"I'm confused."

"I wanted to wait until our wedding night. She didn't. She convinced me we could have sex just once before the wedding as the build up had worn her down.

"I agreed. It wasn't what I thought it would be. She lied and told me I was her first. She told all of her friends about how I was in bed. That's why I moved here."

"It was your first time. You're not supposed to be good just starting out, Taehyung. At least, that's what I was told." Ani crosses her arms in front of herself protectively.

"It was the opposite. Apparently I was the best she'd ever had and the-" he hesitates glancing around the room. "I was the biggest. She told her friends about me. She wanted all of them to try me before we were married. She said it was good practice for the things she wanted to try on our wedding night. It felt like I was always being set up to be alone with one of her friends or I would 'accidentally' walk in on one masturbating on my bed."

"You left because women wanted you? That's a rare thing. JK-" Ani pauses swallowing her feelings. "JK loves having women.. after.. him.." Her heart breaks a little more with each word.

"I'm not my cousin. I only want one woman for the rest of my life and the one woman I wanted lied to me and tried to pimp me out to her girlfriends." Taehyung stands and remembers his situation quickly turning his back to Ani. He looks down adjusting himself aiming to make things less obvious.

"I wish I would've met you first, Taehyung."

Taehyung turns, his face questioning Ani.

"I wanted to wait until marriage. I wanted to give my husband a part of me that nobody else could ever say they had. I wanted something special and private filled with love and care but instead I ended up.. used." Ani stares at her hands twisting them together.

"Don't let Jungkook devalue you. You are a sweet girl and I'm sure you will find someone someday who will appreciate you the way you should be appreciated."

"HE.. USED.. ME!" Ani yells out. "He took my innocence and used my womb for a child he didn't even want! I was so ashamed of myself I got rid of it and because of my poor choice of doctor I may never be able to have a child later on! Who would want someone like me??"

Ani drops to her knees, wailing. Taehyung watches and hurts for her. "I'm so sorry, Anais. I don't know what to say to help."

Ani sniffs and stands with tears still pouring down her face. She wipes her face angrily before her eyes bore into Taehyung's. "Don't say anything then."

She turns and walks out of his room towards Jungkook's bedroom down the hall. Taehyung follows, worried about the look he was given. He approaches his cousin's room to find Ani standing beside his bed staring at the comforter.

"I wonder if the girl on JK's page has made love to him in my spot in his bed." She raises her head to look at Taehyung. He sees her heart is broken, fallen victim to his cousin's childish behavior. The first person she decided to trust has betrayed her in multiple ways and even though she knew it was wrong she still stayed.

She stayed because she truly loved him and had no reason to believe he would lie to her. She's never known what it feels like to be appreciated and thanks to the precedent Jungkook set, she will continue to only find men who fake emotion just to use her in the end.

Ani turns to face Taehyung pausing briefly before removing her shirt allowing Taehyung to see all of her, including the bruises Jungkook left on her breasts and hips this morning. She lifts the blanket and slides in with her eyes locked on his.

Taehyung's shoulders drop. His will weakened, he makes his way over to join her in bed.

Metanoia // jjk [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now