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Taehyung hadn't realized how much he missed domestication until his grocery shopping trip with Ani. Who knew something as mundane as choosing a cereal or whether to buy one or two dozen eggs could lift his heart so much.

He played around with Ani through the aisles, becoming more and more comfortable with her as they filled the shopping cart to its limit eventually leading to each of them holding a few items they didn't want crushed.

"Anais! Is that you? Oh my goodness!" an older woman approaches them with her arms out. Taehyung looks confused glancing toward Ani believing the woman has mistaken her for someone else.

"Hi, Mrs. Helm. It's good to see you. How have you been?" Ani hugs the woman smiling while Taehyung's face is still awash with confusion.

"Oh, just keeping busy. You're absolutely stunning! Is this your husband?" the woman asks looking at Taehyung and smiling as if she was hoping Ani said no.

Taehyung's eyes grew wide at the suggestion and Ani replied, "No, he's not my husband, Mrs. Helm. He's-"

"Well maybe one day!" Mrs. Helm pats Taehyung on the arm and looks deep into his eyes, "Unless he's into older women." She winks.

Taehyung clears his throat uncomfortably and turns to Ani. "Shouldn't we be going? The frozen food is starting to thaw."

"Of course. If you'll excuse us, Mrs. Helm. It was lovely seeing you again." Ani says grabbing the cart handle the same time as Taehyung who stands behind her and they both push forward to the checkouts.

Ani's heart races at the feel of Taehyung's body so close to hers. He smells like a mixture of sandalwood and strawberries, the latter being his shampoo. Ani knows this because it's the same shampoo she used during her shower.

His hands are large beside hers on the handle and quite beautiful, she notices as her eyes travel up to his wrist adorned with different bracelets. His forearms are smooth but have some veins protruding through his honey skin.

"Which side did we park on, Anais?" Taehyung's deep voice in Ani's ear sent a chill down her spine. Her breathing increased from the way he said her name. "Why do you go by Ani anyway? Anais is much prettier."

"JK likes Ani better. He said Anais is too much of a mouthful." Ani's words are breathy. Her body is reacting to Taehyung as she feels her center tingle on top of her breathing and heart rate increase.

They make it through the checkout, Ani watching Taehyung's movements and willing herself to look away but her eyes have a mind of their own. Taehyung is a gorgeous man. His dark shaggy hair is pulled into a beret today putting all his features on display. Even their cashier becomes flustered absorbing Taehyung's beauty.

Ani knows what flirting is like and the cashier is trying as hard as she can to flirt without making it obvious. Taehyung smiles politely exchanging basic conversation and playing dumb to her advances. Ani wonders if she wasn't there would he flirt back.

On the car ride home Ani keeps stealing glances at Taehyung, her body still in knots from being so close earlier. They pull into the parking garage and Taehyung switches the ignition off before turning to look at her. "Mind telling me why you keep staring at me?"

Ani freezes, her eyes go wide and her face heats. Had she really been so obvious?

"Is there something on my face?" he laughs and she nearly melts into the seat.

"I'm sorry. I-I just don't know why I was staring." Ani puts her head down in embarrassment.

"It's fine. Let's get the groceries inside before we have ice cream soup."

Unpacking the groceries seems a bit of a task as Ani realizes how small the kitchen really is. She realizes how often she and Taehyung brush against each other because her body continues to react to every touch.

Once the groceries are away, the two decide to watch a movie. Taehyung sits at one end of the sofa and Ani at the other with her knees pulled to her chest. She watches the way Taehyung licks his lips mindlessly before removing his beret and shaking his locks free while searching for a movie.

Her eyes trail down to his neck and he swallows. His neck is much wider than Jungkook's, Ani thinks to herself.

Her thoughts turn inappropriate as her eyes stroll over Taehyung's body and she bites her bottom lip. His chest is broad and she doesn't mind the way he sits on the sofa with his legs spread a bit.

She wishes he wore tighter clothes or shorts so she could see his thighs. Ani's eyes stare at the material of his slacks willing them to tighten just a bit so she can make out the definition of his form.

Just as her eyes travel upwards to his zipper, Taehyung pulls his shirt down over his crotch. Startled, Ani looks up to meet Taehyung's gaze. He looks disappointed. "What are you doing, Anais?"

Metanoia // jjk [COMPLETED]Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant