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Taehyung tugs his lip in contemplation once more before moving to the side of Jungkook's bed. As he reaches for this clothing he says, "I'm sorry, Anais."

Ani sits up allowing the blanket to fall to her waist. "Why? That was.. was.. I don't even know how to explain it."

"I used you." Taehyung's eyes stare at the beige carpet. He feels he should turn to face Ani for sincerity but he is so ashamed of himself he can't raise his head. "I am no better than my cousin."

Ani scoots closer to Taehyung's back, placing a hand on his shoulder. "No, please don't think that. I asked for this. I wanted -needed- to know that not all men touch me the way JK does. I need to have hope for better days to come."

"But I can't give you anything else after this. This was just sex for what it is and that isn't fair to you, especially not with the way you have been treated. You deserve better."

"Taehyung, I deserve to know what it feels like to be appreciated and treasured and you made me feel that. All I expected was sex just for what it is. I know I am not who you want to be with." Ani drops her hand from Taehyung's shoulder and looks to her fingers as they twist together. "You're still in love with your fiancee."

He sniffs. "She was everything to me and she lied to get me into bed." Taehyung sniffs again raising his head to the ceiling. He laughs halfheartedly looking over his shoulder. "I guess you and I have that in common."

"What is like? To be in love?"

"If you had asked me a month ago, I could tell you. Now, my answer is simple. It sucks ass."

They both chuckle quietly. Taehyung turns sideways considering Ani before asking, "Does he bruise you often?"

"Every time. Mostly on my hips and thighs. He says if I wasn't s-so fa-fat.." Ani stops to collect herself before continuing. "He said I bruise easily."

He reaches out ghosting his fingertips over the bruises on her chest. "Or he's an asshole who is too rough with you. Why won't you leave?"

"I love him. At least I think I do." She places her hand over Taehyung's. "I'm not really so sure anymore."

"You deserve better, Anais. Much, much better than him."

Ani smirks weakly, unsure of her next statement. "I'm going to break it off with him. I can't do it anymore."

Taehyung smiles softly and strokes Ani's cheek. "That's good to hear. I hope you find the happiness you deserve. I really do."

Ani leans in, pressing her lips gently to Taehyung's and he reciprocates her movements slipping his fingers into the hair behind her ear. The intensity of their kiss gradually increases.

She moves to straddle his waist and he groans slightly pulling back from their connection. "Ani, we shouldn't-"

"Please." She quietly pleads into his mouth as she grinds her hips into him. "Please make me forget JK. Please make me feel whole again." She wraps her arms around his shoulders whimpering when she feels the stretch of her body around Taehyung's erection yet again.

The room stays full of the sounds of bliss well into the evening when they change venue deciding to shower together. It too was delicate and caring, exactly what Ani and Taehyung needed. They touched each other compassionately enjoying the bond.

They dress and cuddle on the sofa deciding to watch a movie as the sun sets. Ani is snuggled into Taehyung's right side with one hand on his thigh and the other holding his hand that hangs over her shoulder.

"Will you take your fiance back?" Ani inquires as she toys with the thin rings on Taehyung's fingers.

"No. I think I need some time alone. We were together for five years and I think getting to know more about myself sounds pretty good. Maybe in another year or two I may try dating again, but right now single sounds like the place to be." He kisses Ani's head. "What about you?"

"You realize you have raised the bar, right?" Ani questions.

"Is that so? And how have I done that?" Taehyung's grin spreads across his relaxed face.

"I learned that sex should be enjoyable. Actually, it should be mind blowing but I didn't want to say that and have that go to your head." She chuckles. "Thank you, Taehyung."

"I really don't feel like 'you're welcome' is the appropriate response but I'm not sure how else to reply to that." He blushes.

"Would you like something to eat? I'm starved!" Ani hops off of the sofa heading to the kitchen with a bounce in her step. She's never felt this good after sex with JK. Her body was always in pain from his harshness and her skin nearly always bloomed new marks.

Her soul and her body feel rejuvenated.

Taehyung joins her in the kitchen and together they prepare a simple meal as they play around with each other. The mood is light and friendly taking turns feeding each other random ingredients and taste testing everything once they are done.

They eat and talk more, casual relaxing conversation each having second helpings. Ani feels no shame in having a second helping. She's never felt this good after eating.

They stand at the sink washing and drying dishes when a familiar voice interrupts their peaceful atmosphere.

"Something smells good! What's for dinner, Ani?"

Metanoia // jjk [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now