Chapter two: Letter from Queen of Rock-pop trolls/ truth

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" okay! Let's start the meeting!!"- poppy
" has any trolls are having problems at their tribe??"- Quincy
" no"-trollzart
" none"- Trollex
" nope" - barb
" nothing"- delta

After few minutes they dismiss themselves as they went to their own separate ways. Poppy walks around as she tried to find branch, which she found him, checking the list on his hands as he organize the place correctly." Branch!" She called out as branch look at her and smile," oh hey poppy! How's the meeting??" Poppy shrugs as she said," same as always. So what's my next schedule??" Branch look at the paper and said," pretty much that you have meeting with the k-pop trolls." Poppy nodded and gave branch a kiss on his cheeks making him blush as she said," thanks branch!!" Then left.

After few days passed, we could see poppy and branch were having alone time and on their date. No more distraction and no more problems ahead.
Until a scream can be heard making the two perk up and stood up as they rush towards were the screams come from. As they arrive, they could see biggie being chase by a crow around, screaming." Why does this happens to me all the time!!??" Biggie shout as the other trolls start to panic more. Then poppy caught it using her hair." Hah! Got cha!" She shout but the crow start ti squirm around making poppy freak out as she said," gah! Ew, ew, ew! Get it off!" She throw the crow away, heading straight to barb, who was ready to swing her guitar like a baseball bat.

" Fort!!" She shout as she hit the crow, sending it away as it the tree. Branch zoom passed everyon as he calm down the crow by rubbing it's eyes. Eveyone gather around to see the crow in front of them." What is that??" Legsly asked as she look at the crow with curious look on her face. Everyone studied the creature in front of them, not knowing what it is or what is that.

Poppy say the letter on the ground, making her look curious and grab it." To pop, funk, country, techno, classical, and rock trolls." She read it making the leaders look at her curious and saw the letter in her hands. As poppy open it as she stared at the letter. Everyone got tense when a creepy sound spoke making them froze and look at the source of sound to see it's comes from mr. dinkles, making biggie covered his mouth using his finger.

" sorry everyone." Apologize bigge making everyone sigh in relief as they look back to poppy who clear her throat as she read the letter clearly so everyone could hear it.

"To pop, country, funk, classical, techno, and Rock trolls.
You have ten days to surrender yourself and your strings. But since i heard that one certain queen of pop trolls destroyed it. I have no choice but to collect all the other six strings. After ten days.... your doom will come as i start the greatest party every.

-sincerely, Queen Lucy, of the rock-pop trolls"

Poppy look confuse as she said," what's rock-pop trolls? Who's queen Lucy?" Thenout of no where her father came out as he grab the letter out of her grasp as he said," nothing! Nothing you should worry about! No everyone forget what she read and go back to you ways!" Poppy look at her father confuse as she asked," Dad? What's going on?? Who's Queen Lucy?"" And what's a rock-pop trolls?" Asked Branch as peppy startto panic more making branch and use his special skills to calm him down.

After he calm down as he stood up and look at poppy and the other trolls who were waiting for an answer." The truth is........We're not the only ones who found the strings.......There are more trolls still in this world." Peppy said as poppy gasp in happiness while the leaders stared at him in shock and surprise look on their face. " really?! More trolls?!" Poppy asked happily as barb said," yeah! Party time!"

" you don't understand! This trolls are way more differ to all of us. Some of them can dance really fast while singing, some of them can do vocaloid tune and more than all of us!" Peppy said making every trolls panic and start running around. " okay! Enough!" Barb shout in anger as every trolls freeze at their spot." Maybe we should go on groups." Peppy said as he guide poppy, branch and the snack pack and also the leaders to the secret place.

As they arrive at the huge mushroomin front of them. Peppy grab a scroll as he made his way back to them." Long time ago, our ancestors were not only six of them. But they are twelve of them. The other six strings were known as Dubsteps, pilipino-pop, Nightcore, opera, mixed genre and Rock-pop, along with the other strings we have long time ago. Together they have a huge party." Peppy explain as he shows the picture of all the other six tribes.

Poppy studied the picture with interest look on her face. The dubsteps looks like techno trolls but different. The nightcore's has wings but feathering one. Pilipino-pop has a tail, same goes to mixed genre, and rock-pop trolls." Until one day, this trolls went to much powerful by their music. The opera's voice are went too far as they reach higher notes. The nightcore's music is too fast to keep up. The pilipino-pop is too much......well energetic. The rock-pop were too much violence. Dubstep music are confusing when they make their music smooth or fast. Mixed genre are too curious more as they create strange music." Explained king peppy as he show the six tribes were singing.

" so our ancestor did was best.........they banish them away. Clearing the history about them." Peppy finally ended the explaination as poppy and the leaders start in shock look on their face." But i don't understand.....I thought harmony is were all different voices together." Poppy said as peppy look at her and sad as he said," our ancestor thought it was the best. But not now, but we must run!"" Run??" Trollex asked as he raise his eye brow," and hide!" Finish peppy as herush away, escorting the trolls away.

Poppy stay behind with the other leaders and branch and the snack pack. Barb slowly look at the scroll as she look at the picture of the rock-pop trolls. Then the other trolls." I will make things right again." Whisper poppy as she left, not knowing thatthe leaders heard what she said and look each other thinking they should go with her.

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