Chapter five: Nightcore tribe part 1

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Dub look at the air craft with curious look on his face. He never seen such thing in his life." You! Dub! Aren't you gonna hope in?" Dub snap out of it as he look at barb, who was already on the air balloon with the other leaders." Um.....are you sure? I never been in that thing before." Said Dub as he poke the air craft using his triton. The leaders stared at him like if his kidding or not. Dub notice this and smile sheepishly at them.

" sorry. I never been that craft before." Said Dub as he admit it. Poppy look at him curious as she asked," what transport do you use while getting to nightcore tribe??" Asked branch as Dub look at him and smile." This." Dub spin his triton around him as he tap it really hard on the ground, creating a mist as it turn into a cloud. Everyone stared at him surprise as Dub smirk as he move his triton around making the cloud he was standing floats up.

" FOLLOW ME!!!" Shout Dub as he was now at the sky, motioning them to follow. Poppy squeal in happiness as branch start to make the air balloon float up and follow him. Barb smirk as the ari balloon react beside Dub, she asked," hey dude!" Dub look at her then move the cloud backwards as he stop in front." Yes??"" Were did you get that weapon??" Asked Barb as Dub blink and said," uh.... It's an artifact. Each tribe has their own artifact. Rock-pop's artifact were spear, Opera's artifact were horn or trumpet, Pilipino-pop artifact were arnis, Nightcore's artifact were Magic staff, and mixed genre's artifact were wands."

Barb stared at him in shock as Dub chuckles at her reaction." But......If those other tribe found their artifact......what's the rock trolls artifact??" Barb asked making Dub look at her surprise then asked," you don't know?!" This cause everyone look at them, confuse. Dub rub his face as he mumbles himself about something." Is something wrong??" Delta asked as Barb look at them as she said," i just ask Dub about what's rock's artifact??" Delta tilted her head as Trollzart asked," artifact??"" You know. Dub's holding a triton, represent as his tribes. That's an artifact. He said that all of us, has their own artifact. But when i asked him what is it. He look.....surprise"

Barb look at Dub, who was now in front of the air balloon, looking lost in his mind. " i think we should let him clear his mind when you asked him that question." Branch said as everyone nodded in agreement. As they watch Dub, leading the way to Nightcore tribe.

' how come that they don't know that all the tribe has their own artifact?' Thought Dub as he stared at his triton. Then he look up as he saw that make him look surprise and horror." No......" he whisper as he zoom away, as he finally see the view in front of him.


The others look surprise to see ruin buildings in front of them. Smoke appearing as some of the building collaps. " what happen here?"poppy asked as she looks around them." It home when it was destroy by rock trolls." Said Trollzart as Barb look away from him, feeling guitly. As branch slowly land the air balloon, they hop out of it, as they watch Dub zoom around, calling someone.

" MIKE?! Mike?! Where are you?!" Called Dub as he lift the boulder away as he look around, screaming s he tried to called his friend." Mike!?" He didn't notice that everyone was staring at him surprise look. Then Dub put the bloulder down as he look around as he went inside of the castle." Did.....did you just.......just see him just lift that boulder like nothing happen??" Branch manage to say it as he stared in disbelief." Yes...." everyone manage to say it as they stared where Dub disappeared.


"Mike?! Are you here?!" Dub shout as he look around at the broken throne room, looking at his wing friend. Then froze when he heard a groan, he turn around as he watch some rocks were fling away by yellow wings and a figure came out. Dub recognize him as he rush towards to his side." Mike!!" He shouted as he stop beside him, helping him up." Dub?? What are you doing here??""I'll explain later. Come, let's get you out of here." Then he escort him away.

As Dub brought him out, everyone saw them and went their way towards to him,"is he..."" he's fine. But he needs to rest a bit." Said Dub as he let go mike, who move his wings a bit as he look around him, with horror look on his face." Why is she doing this??" Asked Mike as he heard a clearing throat as he look at the trolls, making him look surprise to see them together again.

" are you okey your majesty? Did you break something??" Poppy kindly asked." No, no,no, i am fine. Thank you." Mike reasure her as he grab his artifact, which is a magic staff, beside him." I'm king Mike, of the nightcore trolls. It's nice to meet you. Pop, funk, classical, country, techno, and rock trolls."

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