Chapter nine: Pilipino - pop tribes/ the Fight against the troll hunter

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" uh......i don't see any pilipino-pop trolls here in the map" said poppy as she look at the map she was holding. Aria look at her map and scoff." I don't think that map will show ya where the pilipino-pop trolls is." She said as she went to the edge of the balloon and lean on to it, crossing her arms giving them unimpresss look on her face." What do you mean??" Asked Delta as she looks at the map confuse.

Then Mike flew in as he landed down." Use this instead." He gave the map that held six other tribe. Poppy gave mike a nodded as a thank you then look at the map." Okay, so the pilipino-pop trolls lives on the forest." Said Poppy as Dub shouted," WERE HERE!" Everyone look at him as they saw him dive down, with Mike. As the air balloon landed softly, they were greeted by a huge tress around them." Woah" spoke Barb as Poppy look at the map then the trees." Um. How are we suppose to get through??" She asked.

" easy. Walk through it." Said Mike as he simple said that as he and Dub enter. Which surprise the trolls when the two kings disappeared as they entered." Wha-"" The pilipino-pop tribes are Different. So, they asked the mixed genre trolls to use the spell of illusion." Explain Aria as she too entered and disappeared. Everyone look at each other then enter slowly.

As they arrive their eyes went wide when they see a beautiful view around them. They look around until their eyes landed at the ruins. They saw the two kings and one Queen were looking around, worried." Guess the rock-pop trolls arrive first." Said Branch as he pick up some of the papers that was written in pilipino. Everyone else look around them seeing no one lives here.

" PABLO!!!" They heard the shout from the Queen of opera as they look over her to see Aria was pulling a tan skin troll out of the pile of stones. With the help of the two kings. They rush over and start helping them move away some rocks and stones. They saw a tan troll, who was groaning in pain as he open his brown eyes and spoke," ugh. Mike? Dub? Aria? " then his eyes landed on poppy and the others." Hi! I'm queen poppy! Nice to meet you-" then she was cut off when she and the others we're tackle by a king of pilipino-pop troll.

" bakit kayo nan dito? Ano ang gusto nyo sa akin?! Mag salita kayo!! ( why are you here? What do you want from me?! Speak up!!" He said in foreign language making Mike and Dub pulled the angry pilipino-pop troll away from them." Uh...."" sorry about him. He's just well." Aria trail off as Mike spoke," a little bit paranoid. And also more protective to himself." He and Dub start talking to the p-pop troll, who's name was Pablo, king of pilipino-pop trolls.

After the explanation from aria and Mike, while Dub is holding Pablo to prevent him hurting the others. Pablo undersatnd but he still catious towards to them." Yah feel better now??" Aria asked as Pablo nodded but still not taking his eyes off the others. Poppy and the others notice this, making them feel uncomfortable by the stares. Dub notice this as he wack Pablo's back of his head, saying," Pablo stop giving that look to them. You making them feel uncomfortable by your stares." Pablo hiss as he rub his back of his head, while giving The king of dubstep a playful glared.

Dub ignore his glared as he said," shall we get going? I feel that Lucy is on her way to Mixed genre trolls." Poppy nodded as she looks at the map and said, " it looks like that the mixed genre trolls is the closest. So let's go!" Poppy put away the map as she went back to the outside of the forest. Pablo feel a bit uncomfortable of being outside of his home. Branch notice this as he said," don't worry. It's save." Pablo look at him and gave him a nod, still feel that he don't trust them.

After they finally out of the forest, Pablo look around him as his brown eyes scan the place. The others notice this as Barb asked Aria," dude, what's wrong with him? Does he knows what the outside world is??" Aria look at her then shook her head saying," no. Pilipino-pop trolls use to live on the forest and rarely been seen them outside, away from the tribe." Barb lookat her confuse then nodded.

" okay everyone! To the air craft!!" Poppy scream as She and the others except aria, Mike, Dub, and pablo. Well pablo look startle as he point his arnis at the air craft with wide look on his face." What is that??" Pablo ask as he got a looks from the others." Um an air balloon?? You never saw one??" Said Poppy as pablo shook his head and said," Hindi (No) " poppy tilted her head in confusion as Aria translate it," it means 'No' Queen poppy" " Ah, okay!"

As they start their journey on the air balloon, we could see Pablo looking through the edge of the balloon, feeling uncomfortable for him being up high." hindi ko gusto ito ( I don't like this) " said Pablo in his foreign language as Aria sigh and said," I feel the same Pablo. I feel yah" mike chuckles as Dub rollled his eyes but smile at them. It's been a while since after their meeting before Lucy decided to collect their strings.

While Flying Mike saw something from the distant. " uh, hey guys?" He calls out gaining the attention from the others. Dub look where Mike was looking at. He saw something a figure that was heading towards to them and something shiny that shone by the sun. Dub's eyes went wide as he shout," GET DOWN!!!"  Then out of now where a beast came fort, cutting the air balloon, making it fall. Everyone was screaming while falling making Mike use his staff's magic to catch the others.

While dub move his mist and make it bigger as a certain troll falls on to it . And it was Trollex. " you okay??" Dub asked as he looks at him worriedly, ignoring the feeling of his fast beating heart. Trollex shakenly nodded as he slowly floated down. As Mike set everyone down the Four outsiders trolls look at the beast with a death glared." WHAT IS THAT THING?!" Barb shout as she finally recovered from the fall. Aria spoke without looking at them," That's the troll hunter!!" The troll hunter roar at them, while banging it's weapons on the ground making it shook.

Mike look over his shoulder and shout," go! And hide! We'll handle this!!" Poppy and the others nodded but still uncertain for them to fight this beast by themselves. As they hid they peek out behind the rock as they watch them stood confidently in front of the troll hunter. They could hear speaking to each other," So, Lucy found out the Poppy and the others are here huh??" From Mike as he grip tightly at his staff, which was glowing brightly.

Dub nodded as he twirl his triton around him saying," she might find out that the other tribes don't have any artifact to defend themselves." Aria nodded as her horn turn into two weapons, a sword and a sheild." Let's focus this. Right now, we have battle to finish." Pablo crack his knuckles as he spoke, " I am itching for this. talunin natin ang hayop hanggang mamatay ito( let's beat the animal to death)" He smirk as the four tribes stood and battle formation. The troll hunter roar at them and dash forward. Aria shout in battle cry along the others as the dash forward.

While the others watch with wide eyes as they watch the battle scene in front of them. They were worried that they might get hurt. The more importantly, the one who is worried the most is a certain troll.......................King trollex, who was watching dub fight off the beast.

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