Chapter 11

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Brennan and I lay in bed watching a movie on my tv. We didn't have Netflix connected to the one downstairs so we had to come up here. Who would've thought that the bad boy with tattoos loved to cuddle. Well let me tell you. Brennan is one heck of one. The minute we lay on the bed, he pulled me to him so I could lay my head on his chest as he wrapped his arms around me. It was so comfortable.

But we were soon interrupted by the front door opening and my mom calling my name. Groaning, I got up from my comfortable position to go down stairs. Brennan whined and grabbed me by the waist and I fell back onto the bed. "Brennan. Come on. My parents are downstairs." "Livy relax. I just wanna hold you longer." He whined to me. "Another time Brennan come on. Are you staying for dinner?" I asked him. "Yeah if it's ok with your parents."

We walked downstairs to see my parents and Brennan's parents sitting at the dining table. "Good. There you two are. Sit before your food gets cold." My mom said to us. I sat in my normal seat and Brennan sat in the spare seat, which happened to be beside mine. "Oh Olivia. I heard what happened in school. I hope you're ok." Ashley, Brennan's mom, said to me.

"Oh yeah. I kind of forgot about that. I'll tell you that that girl is absolutely crazy. I did nothing wrong." "Sweetie we all know that. We were just worried when we heard about it from Brennan. You were very worried too weren't you Brennan?" I looked over at Brennan and saw that he was blushing.

He looked at me with a shy smile. I swear it was the cutest thing ever.

Dinner was fun. I found out Amanda was staying at her friends even though it is a school night. But if her parents allowed it who can say arguing to them.

Our parents didn't say too many embarrassing things to us only the odd one here and there. But still it was annoying and had be blushing like mad. "Alright Brennan day your goodbyes to Olivia and her parents and thank the-" "Mom. I'm 18 ,nearly 19, I think I know what I have to do leaving someone's house." Brennan said cutting Ashley off. "Thank you Sasha and Nick for having me and my family for dinner. It was splendid. Was that good enough for you mom?" I couldn't help the giggle that left my mouth.

"Alright smart ass. Follow us out. Bye Sasha and Nick." Ashley said to my parents. Liam said the same thing to my parents and mine returned the goodbye.

Brennan's parents walked home while mine went to clean up while me and Brennan said our goodbyes. "I'll be over tomorrow after dinner ok?" "You can come whenever you want. I'm sure the girls will come over too if you don't mind them as well." "Yeah I don't mind. We'll make a night of it and I'll get Zeke to come over too if that's cool?" "Ok great you can sort that out with everyone tomorrow then."

His face was priceless. He wasn't expecting me to say that to him. I didn't realise how close we were standing to each other until I felt his breath on my forehead(yes there's that big of a height difference). "I really want to kiss you right now." He whispered to me. "But I don't want to until I bring you on a date." I couldn't speak.

My heart was beating so hard right now. He leaned down and kissed my cheek. "Goodnight Livy." "Night B." I said to him breathlessly. He walked away from my house with a smirk on his face.

It seemed like it was a routing for me to see Brennan standing at his window looking at me every night.

He rang me again and we ended up talking half the night. I didn't mind cause I didn't have school to go to tomorrow but he did. I tried so many times to get him to go to sleep but he wasn't having any of it.

While we were talking on the phone, I was texting the girls on my laptop. They were so shocked about what Brennan said to me. They said they can't wait until we get together which they think will be soon.

I changed the conversation straight away to Emma and Zeke. I could barely respond to the texts because I'm the worst at multitasking and I didn't want Brennan to think I didn't care about what he was saying. It was about 2:30 when I hung up the phone from Brennan.

The girls and I stopped talking hours ago because they knew they'd be tired in the morning. It seems every night I go to sleep thinking of the same blue eyed boy.

The next morning I woke at 11. I never sleep in this late. The throbbing in my eye made me forget all about when I usually wake up. I ran into my bathroom and got 2 painkillers and took them.

Hopefully they'll take away the throbbing in my eye. I went back into my room and saw I had a few texts from the girls and Brennan. I responded to them and went downstairs for food.

When I was in the middle of eating my breakfast, my phone started ringing. It was my mom. "Hi honey. I just rang to say that your father and I won't be home tonight. In fact we won't be back home for another 2 weeks. We have to head to London for work. We only found out this morning and I was going to tell you but you looked peaceful and your eye looked sore so I knew you needed your rest." She rushed out quickly. It was like she thought I'd get mad at her.

"Mom relax. It's fine. It's not like it's the first time I'll be home alone for 2 weeks. But I will ask for a present back please." "You know we always bring you back something. Now I have to go sweetie. You know the house rules. I'm changing the no boys rule to only Brennan and that friend of his and then no boys ok?" "Yeah mom that's fine. Currently they're the only boys I talk to anyway." "Good good. Ok bye sweetie. Love you and stay safe." "Bye mom. Love you too and tell dad I said bye and I love him too." "Of course sweetie. Bye." Lovely. On my own for 2 weeks.

My day went by painfully slow. I ordered myself a Chinese for dinner because I was too lazy to make any food. It was around 6:00 when the door bell rang. Opening the door, I saw it was Emma, Stephanie, Brielle, Zeke and Brennan. They had bags in their hands. And if I didn't know the girls well enough, I would guess it was alcohol. It's going to be a long night.

Brennan is just so cute!!!

Who else meets a boy that wants to wait until they go on a date to kiss them???

Hopefully they have that date soon so they can't get together!!!

Let me know what you thought of it!!!;)

Word count: 1238 words

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