Chapter 18

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Waking up the next morning, I looked at a peaceful Brennan beside me. I can't believe what his uncle did to him. How could someone do that to a nine year old boy?

He's the sweetest and cutest boy ever. Especially when we were younger. I don't understand people and how they think it's ok to hurt others.

I was very nervous last night when he said he had something to tell me. I didn't know what it could be. I was not expecting that though. I know it was hard for him to tell me but I'm so glad he did. Hopefully it feels like a weight off his shoulders.

I felt him stir underneath me. "Good morning Livy." He said to me in a raspy voice. "Hey. How are you this morning?" I asked him but didn't want it to seem like I was feeling sorry for him if you get me? "I'm good. Glad I told you that last night." "So am I. You should know you can tell me anything."

Checking my phone, I saw I had a bunch of texts from Emma. This confused me because nothing happened that I didn't tell her. Wearily, I opened the messages.

"Bitch you'll never guess what. Zeke just asked me on a date on Friday. Ahhh."
"Don't ignore me. Answer."
"Oh my god. What am I gonna wear."
"Shit. He won't even tell me where we're going."

I also noticed I had some texts from Zeke too.

"Shit Olivia. I need help."
"Answer. You and Brennan will know what to do."
"Please Liv. It's about Emma."
"Was I stupid to ask her out?"

There was a lot more than those four from both of them. I read them out loud to Brennan. "It's  funny because I got a few texts off both her and Zeke. They're both freaking out." I said to Brennan after I read them to him.

He laughed with me and then rolled over to get his phone off charge. "Looks like you're not the only one. Emma and Zeke are so annoying. Like text each other instead of us." He was annoyed. "Hey relax. I'm sure when you asked me out on a date you were texting him non stop like I was texting the girls." I shit my mouth so quickly after I said that.

"You talked about me Livy??" He said with a smirk on his face. "Shut up you dick. Of course I talked about you." After saying that, he pushed me back on the bed and straddled my waist. He leaned in and kissed my lips. It started to get heated quickly.

We were interrupted by my mom calling my name. "Olivia. Come on. I made breakfast. Brennan you too." Great. "That's our cue to go." Brennan said to me while getting up. "Tell your mom I'll be down in a few minutes. I need to sort out my uh problem." I stared at him confused. Looking down, I saw he had a boner. Instead of answering, I just laughed and left the room.

Walking downstairs, I can't hear any talking in the kitchen. Walking in, my mom is standing at the stove but my dad is nowhere to be seen. Weird.

"Morning mom." I said to her while giving her a kiss on the cheek. "Morning sweetie. Where's Brennan? I thought he stayed over." If only you knew. "Yeah he did. He's just going to the bathroom so I told him to come down when he's ready." "Oh ok. Well sit and I'll give you your food." She said pushing me on to a chair at the island. "Thank you." I said when she placed a plate in front of me.

In the mean time, Brennan came down, said morning to my mom and gave her a kiss on the cheek as well. He sat beside me with a plate full of food.

"Hey mom. Where's dad?" I finally asked her. "Oh he had to go help Liam(Brennan's dad) with some work at his company. He couldn't do it himself." She said to us.

When we finished breakfast, we helped wash up and then went back upstairs. "Hey B. The girls want to hang out today. We need to help Emma pick something for her date. Even though it's not until Friday." I told Brennan when we got to my room, after checking my texts. "That's fine. I'll see if Zeke wants to hang too. He's probably stressing out so bad." He came up to me, kissed my lips, said bye and then gave me a kiss on the forehead and told me he'd see me later.

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