Chapter 26

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Halloween break ended a few days ago. So that means we're back in school.

On Friday, it's Brennan's 19th birthday.

His mom is letting him have a party at their house. But he doesn't know that yet.

We have it all planned out.

Zeke and Emma aren't going to go to school on the Friday. They'll go to Brennan's house at sort out the decorations.

After school, I'm bringing Brennan to the beach and we'd just going to chill there until around 6.

The girls helped me pick out his present. I bought us a weekend away in Paris. We'll go the weekend after his birthday so we'll get more time there.

I know he's ready to lose his virginity but he's waiting for me.

So another part of his present is that. The girls and I went to Victoria secrets and I bought some sexy lingerie. It'll be a surprise for Brennan.

He won't know what hit him.

I just wish Friday would come quicker though.

I hate school.


I woke up beside Brennan in his house.

I climbed up onto him and straddled his torso. Leaning down, I started kissing his neck.

I felt him move under me. I started sucking harder on his skin, making him moan.

"Well shit. Wake me up like that ever day baby." He said to me huskily.

"Happy birthday baby." I whispered in his ear. I went to move off him but he placed his hands on my waist, stopping me from moving.

"I wish my birthday was every day if you wake me up like that again." He unconsciously pressed me down harder on his boner. I blushed and forced myself off him.

I'm lucky I did because someone knocked on his door the minute I lay down next to him.

"Can we come in?" I heard Ashley asking. "Yeah mom. Come in." Brennan said back.

In walked in Ashley, Liam and Amanda.

"Happy birthday baby!"
"Happy birthday son!"
"Happy birthday Bren!" Were the statements from his family.

"Thanks you guys." Brennan said, getting up to give them all a hug. I felt like I was intruding on their family time.

"Both of ye get dressed and come downstairs. We have a special breakfast for you Brennan and the best birthday present." Ashley said to us, ushering everyone out.

We both got dressed and headed downstairs to the dining room.

The table was filled with all of Brennan's favourite breakfast foods. My parents were also there too.

"Happy birthday!!" They all chorused when we entered.

After breakfast, my parents gave Brennan his present. They got him a Rolex watch that I've been talking about to them and how much he wanted it.

His parents were next to give him his present. Whatever it was, was in a small box.

He opened the box and gasped loudly. I tried looking over his shoulder to see what it was.

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