Chapter 24

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Walking up the bathroom, I saw multiple people making out. But two people looked very familiar.

They turned around and I couldn't help the gasp that escaped my lips.

They looked as shocked as I was.

I couldn't believe it.

I knew it.

I couldn't wait to tell Brennan and tell him how I was right. Like always.

The two people kissing were Brielle and Stephanie.

They looked absolutely shocked when they saw me.

Instead of going to talk to them, I turned around and walked down the stairs.

I heard footsteps following me.

I made it to the bottom of the stairs. But I was grabbed by someone and pulled into the laundry room.

Standing in front of me was Brielle and Stephanie.

"Liv. Please. Hear us out. I know we lied to you but we weren't ready to tell anyone." Stephanie said to me.

"Girls, I'm not mad. I just wish ye knew that you could've talked to me. Look. I'll respect your wishes and won't tell anyone. Ok?" I said to them, knowing I'll go and tell Brennan later.

"Talk you so much Liv. I'm sorry we didn't tell you but this is hard on us too." Brielle said. I knew what she meant. Nobody knew that they were lesbians.

"I understand. But in lighter news. I'm so happy for ye." I said, squealing at the end.

After talking for a few more minutes, they let me leave. I knew Brennan would be worried. I was gone over ten minutes.

I found him where I left him, in the kitchen talking to Zeke.

"Baby. Where were you? I was worried." Brennan said when I went up to him.

"I'm sorry. I got talking to Steph and Brielle. Hey. Wanna get out of here? Go get ice cream?" I asked him, wanting to tell him about what I found out.

"Ok. Yeah let's do it. We need to say bye first though."

Twenty minutes later, we had said our goodbyes and got a taxi to Bemny's ice cream parlour.

We got our usual and sat in our favourite booth.

"Ok. So when I went to the bathroom, there was loads of people kissing and whatever. But I saw two people that looked familiar. Then if clicked who it was. So I gasped. Very loudly I might add. They obviously heard me so they turned around. You'll NEVER guess who it was!!!"

".........." "You're meant to guess." I said to him when he didn't answer. "Oh shit I'm sorry. I don't know who baby?" He said laughing at me.

"Brielle and Stephanie." I said whispering to him, not wanting anyone else to hear.

"No way!!! You were right all along." He said looking at me smiling.

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