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I ran after Kamsy calling his name repeatedly but he didn't turn. He kept on walking. I stopped, panting as I got to where he was. He had already stopped walking.

"Kamsy...errr.....it's not what you think it is" I said looking everywhere but his face.
He sighed "I know what it is. I'm not blind Uzo"

"Kamsy...I promise he was the one that kissed me and he took me off guard. I had no idea he was going to do that. If I did I would've avoided it"

"I have eyes Uzo. I saw everything clearly. You kissed him back" he closed his eyes for a moment and open them almost immediately. "Why should it matter though? It's not like we're dating or anything" he shrugged.


"Don't stress it" he cut in. He faced me and placed both hands on my shoulders. "You should have told me about him and I'd have just backed off. Leading me on wasn't a right choice. But it's fine now, I understand everything" he smiled though not reaching his eyes. "Stay happy"

He walked away as soon as he uttered those words. "But....."

I wiped a bead of tear than ran down my cheek. I composed myself and headed for the dining hall.


"Uzo just chill. I think it's a blessing in disguise anyways" Damola said. Damola,Agatha and I were in my corner sitting on my bed while I stared into space.

"Yes she's absolutely right. I mean we all know you feel nothing for Kamsy and you still have feelings for Timi even if you don't want to accept the fact" Agatha added.

I averted my gaze to her. "The only thing I feel for Timi is hatred"

"You may say that but your eyes speak otherwise" She sighed. "Uzo, we are your best friends. You should be open with us. Tell us the truth"

"I don't feel anything for Timilehin. Period."

"Alright alright. Just cheer up already. Boys are scum! Tell us about the kiss" Damola wiggled her brows at me and I groaned. Oh no!

Mrs Oladayo scribbled something on the board and everyone groaned as soon as she moved away from the board. Who still gives assignments when exams are in a few day's time?
Oh yeah...Mrs Oladayo.

Mrs Oladayo was our English teacher. She was very lazy but loved giving us so many assignment she didn't end up marking. Instead, she gave them to SS3 students to mark.

"Make sure you do your assignments and submit it to my office first thing on Monday morning. We had just finished our scheme for the term as our scheme was very bulky.

I looked up at the board and a scowl graced my fair face. What is this one now? 750 words essay. Which kine gbese be this. I frowned murmuring to my hearing alone. "Uzo what was that?" Mrs Oladayo asked.
"Nothing ma" I replied as I looked up at her.

"Good.  Oya collect all the notes and take them to the staff room. I'll be there in a bit" She said in her fake accent she thought masked  her thick Yoruba accent.

"Okay ma"

I was not surprised she called me to help her with the books. Unlike the other teachers, Mrs Oladayo picks whoever she wants to do the job of the class captain when she's in class. My classmates arranged their books together on my desk and I picked them all and headed straight for English department.

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