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Uzo stood fixated to the spot she stood staring back at Timi. She rubbed her sweaty palms on her jean nervously. She didn't know what to do or say but before she couldn't decide on that, Timi walked back into the house not sparing her a glance.

Uzo stared at the building before her in awe. She didn't get a clear view of the house the previous night but now in the light of the day, she was wowed by the mansion she was going to stay in for two weeks.

"Come in my dear" Mrs Adenuga said to her as a maid helped her with her luggage. She insisted to take them in herself but the maid was adamant so she just let her. "Eunice, show her to her room. I'll be back" Mrs Adenuga whom Uzo was examining said to the maid. The maid nodded and lead her up the stairs and Mrs Adenuga also went up the stairs though through the opposite staircase.

Mrs Adenuga walked into her son's room and sighted him typing away on his phone. "And what was that all about Jason?" She called him Jason when she was being serious. "What?" He feigned ignorance.

"Don't do this with me young man. You have to respect your guest and make her feel at home. Okay?"

"Okay mum"

"Now you will apologize to her"

"What?! I'm not doing that"


"Okay, Okay. I will" He mumbled to his mum's hearing a frown making it's way to his face. She smiled at him and ruffled his hair. "Now that's my good boy" She smiled and her dimples came into view.

Uzo slumped on the king sized bed not wanting to get up and unpack her things. A heard faint knocks on the door and then "May I come in?"

"Yes" she answered from inside and the door opened revealing Mrs Adenuga. She took her time to take in her features. Her hair was just like Timi's only longer and more feminine. Her skin glowed too not even a spot on her so light skin. She smiled at Uzo and Uzo smiled back at her.

The dimples. She thought.

"My dear how are you?"

"I'm very well ma."

"What's your name?" Mrs Adenuga asked Uzo gesturing for her to sit down beside her on the bed.

Uzo sat. "I'm Uzo ma. Uzoamaka Edogo"

"That's beautiful. I'm Michelle Adenuga. Call me Michelle"

"Oh no! I can't" Uzo flushed. "Why not?" An amused Michelle asked. "Your an elder. I could call you auntie"

Michelle chuckled.  "I'm not that old. But you can call me whatever you want dearie" She grinned, stood up and walked to the door. "Make yourself comfortable. If you need anything, you can ask me or any of the maids. Okay?"

"Okay Auntie" Uzo nodded at her with a smiled and she walked out of the room but not before throwing her a playful wink.

An epitome of beauty. Uzo thought.
"No surprise, Timi's this good looking" She muttered and smacked herself inwardly for that.

A vibration in her pocket made Uzo grab her phone. She had a caller. She picked the Call without checking the caller ID.

"Oh em gee!" Was the loud squeal that hit her ears. She pulled the phone away from her ears and was not surprised as the took a glance at her phone and Agatha's name written there.

"Agatha! Why are you shouting now?"

"Babes! You didn't tell me that you met baby tyga"

"What the—"Uzo was confused. Agatha squealed continuously riling Uzo up as she knew nothing about what Agatha was saying.

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