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I couldn't believe Timi would go to the extent of lying. All for what? I shook my head as I walked faster towards my class.

I saw Damola and Agatha laughing about something at a distance and I walked up to them.

Damola sighted me. "Uzo! There you are...I got you something from the tuck shop" she beamed. "Thank you"
I replied and collected the package.
"You will pay me back oh! With interest sef"

Agatha laughed. "Dammy you will never change. Because of ordinary two hundred and fifty naira"
"Abeg abeg, two-fifty na money"

"Uzo what's up" Agatha asked concern evident in her tone. She had noticed I wasn't saying anything. "Yeah Uzo. What happened this time" Damola chipped in.

I was reluctant at first but I finally gave in. "I spoke with Timi not to long ago" I paused and they nodded urging me to continue. "He said the letter was meant for me and not Dinny. He also said he didn't indicate my name so that I wouldn't get in trouble if the letter was found by anyone. And when I asked him why he gave her instead he said his dad hurried him up and that was the only choice he had" I sighed.

"I think he's telling the truth" Agatha sighed dusting off crumbs of the biscuit she ate off her black school skirt. I turned to her. "I don't believe him one bit" I deadpanned.

"I also don't" Damola said and I nodded in agreement. "But I don't think we should jump into conclusions. Dinny is capable of doing  anything. Life is to short not to take risks Uzo. Give him a chance. One last time. It's obvious you still have feelings for him. Don't jump into conclusions. Hear him out" She added.

"I've heard you but I'm sure I can make my decisions"

"Alright then"Damola said.

Agatha was about to say something when our Civic education teacher walked into the class. Agatha went back to her seat and so did Damola.

Mr Ikenna walked to the front of the class and dropped his books on a desk, turned to the board and wrote something on the board. He turned to face the class and the class started. Revision.

Today was the last day of revision as to the fact that our exams were to take place in three days time which was on Monday. Civic education was the last subject we had for the day.

The prefects went round chasing for prayers. If they didn't many students would not bother to leave their classes. Fridays after classes were reserved for prayers. The Muslims to the mosque and Christians to the churches (Protestant and Catholic churches). My friends and I attended the Protestant church.

We decided to leave for prayers before the prefects got to our block. Damola, Agatha and I walked hand in hand to the chapel. We passed by the SS3 block which was very rowdy today. I was wondering what could be the cause of the noise. My suspicions were confirmed when I sighted Chogu hugging some of his friends.

They had no problems for the forth coming exams because they were SS3 students and they had written their mock exams the previous term leaving them only to revision.

I spotted Terry J behind the SS3 block and our eyes locked. He threw me a sinister smile and that was when reality dawned on me.

He is back and I'm in big trouble.


It was time for afternoon prep and as expected most people were studying. Mostly the serious ones. Not everyone was in class. They were at the field. Others at the love garden or by the side of the gutters. Some people were sitting in front of the library. In fact students were studying anywhere they found comfortable.

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