Ch. 11

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It had been a few days, Harry was counting them till his date. Him and Adam were texting a lot but Harry was trying not to get his hopes up.

He was a little nervous that Adam would just drop him and pretend that he didn't exist. It scared him, but he pushed those negative thoughts away and let Adam sweep him off his feet.

Louis had started his classes on Wednesday, and Harry hadn't seen much of him.
They greeted one another whenever they did run into each other.

Harry's POV

I layed on the couch flipping through channels till I settled on just watching 'New Girl' on Netflix.

I mindlessly watched till I heard Louis' door open.
He came over and plopped down on the couch and kicking his feet up on the coffee table.

I watched as he just sat on his phone texting, not watching the show and not acknowledging me.

'Nick you can't just tape a shower head to the wall!' I laughed at the dumb show. Louis looked up and back down at his phone.
I rolled my eyes pulling out my own phone.

I looked at my calendar. I haven't done my cam show in almost a week. I needed to start doing them again soon before I lose my following.

I sighed out loud feeling stressed about keeping up with my gig will having this man living in the same space as me. And now I'm going on a date?

"You good? You look stressed," Louis said resting his phone on his stomach to look at me.

"'m fine. Stressed about school is all." Louis nodded.

"Me too, haven't done school work in a while. Coming back to it is dreadful."

"I bet, not sure what classes you're taking but I'm good at most subjects if you ever need help." I said. It's always nice to ask for help in school.

"May take you up on that. Actually have an essay due next Tuesday. Do you mind going over it with me tomorrow?" I almost agreed till I remembered my date with Adam.

"I would but I actually have a date tomorrow." Louis' shoulders visibly slumped. "Sunday maybe?" I offered still wanting to help him.

Louis shook his head, "It's fine," He said getting up and heading in the direction of the kitchen.

My lips parted as I was about to call out for him. I heard him rummage for a water bottle before heading to his room and shutting his door.

I scoffed, dramatic much?


thanks for the support!! crazy that this is at 3k already, was nervous to write something new.

i meant to upload this sooner so may post next chapter soon especially since this ones short

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