Strange Man

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Chapter 2--


Geo knows that there is a man behind him but he didn't look back knowing that it can only be his new husband.
Though he says 'new' husband, they're living for 3 months now.

"Alli, I brought the meat."

Alli is the original's host name.
It is not feminine or manly name. Just right as a Gent.
Geo looks back squinting his eyes.
This is a good and also a stupid man.

He is tall and has a broad shoulder but he is very thin himself.
Always doing all the hard work in the house and outside.
He can only marry when he was 27 due to his family clinging to him to death.
But he has a good idea and after a lot of twist and turn he split with his family and marry the weak woman from the next village.
It seems that the woman's family is also poor and they are the same as him, has a wicked family that wants to sell their daughter for money.
If it is pity or love, Geo has no idea why this man married her.
After 2 years, they have a son.
And that is Leon.
The boy in his arms right now.

The mother get really weak after she gave birth to the baby and soon died 3 months after that.

Then Alli's family become restless because of alot of money issue. They want to cut the cost of food and immediately think of getting rid of Alli.
Alli is a spoiled brat who can only eat and sleep. He has a good face that's why their family treated her best so they can sell him someday for a huge price.
The face is good but the attitude is bad.
Nobody wants to take him as a bride but they all show interest in taking him as a concubine.
Alli is a spoiled brat, ofcourse he decline.
But the family can't take it anymore.
Alli is already 19 and getting older.
The older he is, the more hard it is to marry him off.
So they schemed him and Wally.
They succeed in throwing out the waste and even gaining money out of it.

"The baby is hungry. Why did you buy meat instead of milk?"
He said and takes the meat anyway in one hand and still keep supporting the baby in another hand.

Wally tighten the hold in the meat but let it go anyways.

"Isn't it you who says you won't eat unless it is meat? You've been starving for 2 days."
Wally is a good man.
Once again, Geo realize that.
Its not that he is not thinking of the baby but he also can't not think of his wife.
With or without love, this man is decent.

Geo smiles at him.
"You are tired sit down and take Leon. I will cook your meal."


Geo puts the baby in his arm gently.
This made them touch skin to skin but Geo didn't mind.
Wally is a bit surprise how he can be so gently.

"He ate rice soup. That is not healthy. From now on I won't be too overbearing. You have to buy milk for him so he will grow bigger."
He said gently so as not to wake the baby in his arm.

Wally is just looking at his gentle face.
He knows that he married a beautiful Gent. The most beautiful in their village.
But Alli's reputation is as black as the night time.

"What are you looking at?" Geo fixes the lose hair at the back of his hair.
He is not someone who seeks physical pleasure before so he is also not like that now.
But since he knows that this man is his husband it is different.
That burning gaze stunned him a bit.
Makes him blush that he barely understand till now.

"I have to go back to the farm. It is getting hotter this days." Wally said and look at the baby as to not tempt to look at his wife.

"Okay. I will be quick."
He said and pulled his sleeves to start cooking.
He also tied his long hair up.
There's barely some spices at home but atleast salt and sugar is present.

He easily cook the rice and the meat.
Making two meat dishes with lots of vegetables.
He also made a soup for the baby since can eat solid a bit in this time. But he still want him to drink milk at least enough to make him grow a bit more.

The food is serve but Wally is still confuse.

Chew* chew*


Wally stops Alli's hand.

"I will eat on my own."
He said blushing a bit.

He is stunned and confuse to Geo starts feeding him.
When the man opens his mouth to eat, Geo wants to laugh but endures it. After 3 times, Wally snaps out of it and put the baby in Alli's arm to eat.

"How about you? You should eat while Leon is asleep."
Wally said while looking at him put the baby back to his crib.

"Yeah." He said and sits down.

Wally looks at him intently.

"What?" Geo asks a but frowning because he finds his stare hot and become conscious.
He doesn't understand how a Gent's body works but he is irritated with this kind of physical reactions.
As an assassin showing too much emotion is not good.

"So you know how to cook?" Wally says after coughing twice.
"It's better than my own cooking."
He is a quiet man.
He doesn't know how to praise someone.
If he can he will not even talk for a whole day.
But his new wife starts off as a noisy and irritating man, for him sto starts cleaning and cookingz he can only feel that there is so much thing that is wrong.
He doesn't want to wrong his wife. If he wants something, he wants to give it. So he is prepared to hear him ask him something.

Geo smiles.
"I will cook from now on."

Wally blinks.
He can't tell what changes him but if he starts making things easy for them then it is fine for him too.

He ate a bit more.
He didn't realuze that he is a bit happier that the farm work is done so easily and he still has more energy left.
Thinking about it.
Alli said that baby can eat a little and ask him to find some eggs if he can.

Its still early so he will look at the forest nearby.



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