Mother is sick

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Chap 28

Geo went to the mountain again.
There are a lot of animals that are dangerous but also a lot that he likes.
Rabbits has a gamey taste so when he capture some, he gives it to Hannah.
There is nothing to be afraid especially now that he has his favorite weapon.

Poisoned needles.

He thinks of killing Maybel first but her crimes toward him are not that kill worthy.
He is just mad at that time so now that he put it behind him....he will let her die slowly with the poison he gavw her.

She is a person that creates separation within the family so even if he will not seek her death immediately, she still needs to die.

The tiger last time he went face him again.
Geo raised a brow.
Animals are those who follow their instinct.
Maybe it was territorial type and hates him always wandering around but it is wise not to jump on him.

"In my past life, I also pretend as a vet but I never have a chance to handle big cats." Geo smirks.

The tiger growls at him but like before it didn't come near him.

Geo also is not some psycho who needs to prove his strength every now and then and attack just anyone.
If it doesn't attack then he won't care about it.

With his basket and sack. He collects mushrooms and some wild spice like ginger and onion.
He will plant it in his garden.
Lately, he's been going around to complete his spices.
Pepper is expensive but not as much as salt.
But he doesn't have to worry about salt because the thing he 'got' from the son's noble includes salt.
He has no prejudice in using those items.
The money though, Wally told him to hold on to it and as much as possible not use it.

He doesn't mind following his husband's instruction.
He did live a life of luxury before.
He is tired of the life full of deceit and lies and favors that follows the life of the rich.

Nothing beats his son's smile and giggling, his husband's caring and their warm and simple house.

This is the happiness that doesn't come with having too much money but still...

At first he thought of making a business.
But Wally doesn't want to live in town where he got abducted.
He respects that too since it is a bit traumatizing to his husband.

Though money is not something they urgently need.
And he doesn't really want to pursue a life always clinging to high profit neglecting his family, he still knows that they need money.
Once Leon grow up, what if he wants to be a scholar?
The path of a scholar is harsh. And sometimes you need huge amount of money to bribe people so your son will not get bullied while he is studying away from home. And the paper...the ink...Those are luxury in this lifetime. The scholar books and the teachers fee. How can they pay them all?

What if Leon wants to become a soldier?
He have to leave to train, the expenses of tbe lodging, his needs, the teachers fee. Medicine and swords and armor.

There are so much money needed just for one son.

Geo rubs his stomach.

"And someday....I might get pregnant." He sighs. "I don't really want to imagine myself having a big balloon on my stomach but Wally is looking forward to it so much that I can see him staring at my tummy almost every end of having sex." He sighs again.
"It will be hard." He just knew how hard it will be.
Having something attach to his tummy unable to move his limbs the way he use to.

And the scar...
He face palm.

A man should not care about appearance....that is true...but he is a gent!

Gent are more acceptably female than men!
Even in working related.
Gents are not accepted in hard labor related job like construction but they are accepted in the brothel.
Beauty is something he shouldn't neglect.
As he grows old...he needs to maintain his skin and figure.
He sighs again.
'How can a woman live in this harsh world?'

With his swift throw.
A bird falls down dead in the ground.
He collects it and walk away.
There's a lot of wild vegetables he also get but will eventually gave it to Hannah.

He doesn't like the wild vege because of its bitter taste.

When he comes down.
He saw his sister in law, a fatty woman roaming around their backyard trying to peek inside.

"What are you looking for?"

"Yah! Ah! Alli, you scared me." The woman eyes sparkles when she saw a basket full of wild animals and some alive and dead meat on his hands.

"What do you need?"

"Let's talk about it inside." The sister in law is Alli's eldest brother's wife.
Ben's wife.
She is also the same sister-in-law that help spread malicious gossips about him.
Even she is one to help framed Alli and Wally to be a couple.
There is no need to thank this woman even if it helps him become Wally's wife because her intentions are never been good.

"No. Just say it here."

The woman named Pia frowns

"You are so rude. I am your eldest brother's wife."

"So? Didn't I told you that the next time we meet I will kill you, you blabber mouth."

Pia steps back seeing Alli glaring at her.

She remembers Alli flipping out before and trying to kill her for ruining his name.
Ben held Alli down but she is really scared back then how strong Alli was.

Since he become Wally's wife, Alli become calm and collected so she thought of striking.
Sides the selfish Alli even gave his eldest brother2 eggs and some loose change.
She thought he has a change of heart.

"You really have no manners. Your mother is sick, give me some of those meat so she can eat some."

Geo raised a brow.
Of course he can tell that this woman come here to asks for food.
But Geo remember that Alli's family, though they are most hated by Alli, They are atleast pretty decent family(to Alli).

They gave him food and money.
Though they can't love him so much and even force him out.

"Fine. Did Mother seek a doctor?" He asks.

"Doctor? How much is asking a doctor? We don't have money so no."

Geo snorts.
"Stay here." He said and went inside.
After washing his hand.
Geo went to Hannah.

"Leon is sleeping." Hannah smiles.
"I also fell asleep."

"It's fine. Just sleep for now. I will just go to my parents house. My mother is sick."

"I see. I will stay here until eldest brother return."

"Take this two rabbits with you and these veges. This side is mine. I will plant them in my little garden."

"Thank you." Hannah smiles.

"Don't forget your eggs and Sandrea."


After that Alli came out with a whole new basket of things but he didn't gave it to Pia.
There's no telling where these stuff will end up to if he gives it to her.

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