Chap 36:Not Wally's day

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Chap 36

Geo yawns and rubs his back.
'That's intense.'
Though he is hurt a bit. He is still grinning so much.

He looks at the naked man sleeping soundly beside him.
He leans down and kisses his lips.

"Uh...." Wally blinks and looks up.
He reaches his hand and hugs Geo's head.

Geo laughs at him.
"Let me go. I will cook breakfast."

"Ummm....Later." Wally said and hugs him like an octopus.
He looks at Wally.
"Aren't you tired?"
He said and hugged him tighter.

"Husband....I need to clean and cook.."

Wally won't budge.
Geo has no choice but to sleep again.

When he wakes up, the sun is already in the sky.
He suddenly sits up in a start.

He is alone in the room.
Even Leon's crib is empty.
"That guy...." he chuckles and stands up.
Comb his long hair and put it in a ponytail.

He went outside to see a not so cold meal.
But instead of eating he went to the door to look at his husband and son playing in their front yard.

"Come on, walk to Papa. Come on." Wally said as he claps his hands.

The baby walks to him but half way he crouches down and picks a grass to put in his mouth.

"Ah!" Wally scoops him and lifts him up high.
"You naughty brat!"

The baby starts giggling and let go of the grass.

Baby Leon is throwing his arms and feet as he moves to show his happiness.

"Don't give up so easily." Geo chuckles.

"Mama!" Wally happily walks to him.
And kisses his lips.
"Are you alright now?"

"Yeah. Thank you for being a considerate husband." He giggles.
"Are we Papa and Mama now?"

"Yeah. Dad said it is better to set an example to the baby now that he is starting to talk."

"Oh~~ Baby, good morning. Kiss to Mama."


"Oh my goodness! Did you hear that?" Geo excitedly snatches Baby Leon.
"Say Mama. Say mama."

"Babuba.." Leon said as if he is boasting.

"Aww~~" Geo smiles at Wally.
"He said Ma. You heard it too right?"

Wally laughs.
"I heard it. He can talk now. When will he say Pa?"

"Soon." Geo smiles and kisses Wally.
"I haven't brushed my teeth....Sorry. Here take Leon. I'll brush my teeth."

"I don't mind though."
Wally smirks

Geo giggled and went inside.

"You go and eat first..Ah. Is it still warm? Let me reheat that."

"No. Just play with Leon. I got it."

"Are you sure?" Wally frowns

" yes~~~"


Wally let Leon go around but follows him around cause he keeps grabbing on things and putting it inside his mouth which is troubling and funny.

"Excuse me, Is Alli living here?"

Wally looks up and sees a man wearing new clothes and stinks of perfume.

"Yes..? What do you need for my wife?"

"Wife? You?" The guy looks at Wally from head to toe and then smiles brightly as if he wins something.

Wally carried Leon in his arms and makes him let go of the small stone in his hand.

"Yes. Do you know my wife?" Wally asks as he frowns.

"Ah! I am Nelson. I saw your wife in the beauty competition yesterday. I really want to talk to him."


Wally looks at the man who is looking behind him as if waiting for Geo to show up.
But Geo is eating quietly and not caring about the unwanted visitor outside.
Though he already feels him there.

"Can you call him?" The man named Nelson said also he is pushing the wooden gate but Wally has no intention in opening it.

"My wife is tired,sorry."
He said and turned around.

"Wait! I am a merchant son..I can pay for your wife!"

Wally stiffen and stops walking.

"Geo!" He shouted.

Geo flinched.
"Y-yes?" He stand-up and hurried outside.

"Oh! The beauty. Do you remember me?"
Nelson said and waved his hands.

Geo stands before Wally who is looking like a black kettle.

"Is that guy someone you know?"
Wally said.

Geo looks at Nelson and shakes his head.

"He said he can pay for you."

Geo chuckles.
"Maybe he mistakes our house in a brothel."

Wally glares.
"You are still laughing? Take Leon inside while I TALK to this person."

Geo sighs.
"Don't get mad. I am just joking." Geo takes Leon and grabs Wally's hand.

Wally shakes his head.
"Go inside!"

Geo flinched and nodded.
"Okay. Do not shout I am getting scared. Leon too."

Wally sighs and nods.
He hugs Geo and kisses his forehead and kisses Leon.
"You two go inside... I'll be back."

Geo smiles.


"Hey! Let me talk to Alli!" Nelson angrily shouted.

Wally went outside and glared at the man.
"Go home. My wife is not for sale."

The man chuckles.
"Why would you allow your wife to go to an embarrassing competition if you have money? Come on. It is fine to say the price."

Wally looks back to his house and makes sure Geo and Leon are inside.
He drags the man by the collar to a nearby large tree.
And pin him in the tree with an elbow.

"What...what do you think you are doi--"

Wally looks at him.
"I'll kill you next time you walk here again."

The man paled.

Wally pressed his elbow to his neck.
"This is my village. Setting foot here again and let's see what I can do to you."

"You! You are only tough because I am alone. N-next time I will bring someone to teach you a lesson."

Wally let him go but then punched his face.


"That's your last warning."

Wally angrily left him.
Before he comes home he takes a deep breath and changes his mood.

Then walk inside.

Geo smiles at him.
"What happened?"

"We talk peacefully." Wally said and hugs him.
"He promised he will not come back. In case he comes back, do not talk to him."

Geo giggles.

"Hello? Anybody? I come here to see Alli? I am a noble son!"

"Me too! I came to see Alli. I am a ...."

"Hello? Anybody?? I came here to propose marriage..."

Wally grits his teeth.
"Stay here for a while." Wally said and walked outside.

"I'll be punished tonight~~ Mama is excited." Geo giggles and pokes Leon's cheeks.

Leon giggles with him.

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